#!/usr/bin/env python __author__ = 'Nguyen Duc Trung Dung - ndtdung.blogspot.com' __email__ = 'ndtdung@spsvietnam.vn/dung.nguyendt@gmail.com' __version__ = '1.0' __license__ = 'GPL' import sys import commands import optparse run = commands.getstatusoutput class PARSER: def __init__(self, hostname, community, module, item, range): self.hostname = hostname self.community = community self.module = module self.item = item self.range = range self.module_base_oid = '.' self.module_x = 4 self.cmd = 'snmpget %s -v2c -c %s %s -OqvU' # get snmp with output options: qvU self.list = {'BATTERY VOLTAGE': ['Positive Voltage', 'Negative Voltage'], # Split items into group 'BATTERY CURRENT': ['Positive Current', 'Negative Current'], 'BATTERY STATUS': ['Remains Time', 'Temperature', 'Environment Temperature'], 'SYSTEM STATUS': ['Status', 'Unit Modules', 'Module Capacity'], 'INPUT': ['Input Phase Voltage', 'Input Line Voltage', 'Input Current'], 'OUTPUT': ['Output Voltage', 'Output Current', 'Output Active Power', 'Output Load']} #Note: It best when one group have only one alarm at time, otherwise the normal range for this one may not suit others. You can split items into more group by edit self.list above. self.items = { # Input # 'name': [.... 'unit', 'alarm or not', 'perf or not'] 'Input Phase Voltage': ['.1.0', '.2.0', '.3.0', 'V', 'NO', ''], # no alarm 'Input Line Voltage': ['.4.0', '.5.0', '.6.0', 'V', 'NO', ''], 'Input Current': ['.7.0', '.8.0', '.9.0', 'A', 'NO', ''], # Output 'Output Voltage': ['.16.0', '.17.0', '.18.0', 'V', 'NO', ''], 'Output Current': ['.19.0', '.20.0', '.21.0', 'A', 'NO', ''], 'Output Active Power': ['.26.0', '.27.0', '.28.0', 'kW', 'NO', ''], 'Output Load': ['.35.0', '.36.0', '.37.0', '%', 'YES', 'PERF'], # alarm, perf # Battery 'Positive Voltage': ['.45.0', 'V', 'NO', ''], 'Negative Voltage': ['.47.0', 'V', 'NO', ''], 'Positive Current': ['.46.0', 'A', 'NO', ''], 'Negative Current': ['.48.0', 'A', 'NO', ''], 'Remains Time': ['.50.0', 'min', 'NO', 'PERF'], # perf 'Temperature': ['.51.0', 'C', 'YES', 'PERF'], # alarm, perf 'Environment Temperature': ['.52.0', 'C', 'NO', ''], # System 'Status': ['.', '', 'YES', ''], # alarm 'Unit Modules': ['.', '', 'NO', ''], 'Module Capacity': ['.', 'kV', 'NO', '']} def first_blood(self, oid): # Read SNMP and parse if not any(i in self.item for i in self.list.keys()): print 'Not supported check TYPE' optp.print_help() sys.exit(2) else: _, output = run(self.cmd % (self.hostname, self.community, oid)) if _ != 0: print 'ERROR - %s' % output sys.exit(2) else: raw_data = [] tmp = output.split('\n') for i in range(0, len(tmp)): pre = tmp[i][:-2] # get integer if not pre: # adjust zero number pre = '0' sub = tmp[i][-2:] # get decimal tmp[i] = pre + '.' + sub raw_data.append(float(tmp[i])) # Save raw data return '/'.join(tmp), raw_data def raise_alert(self, raw_data, is_alert): fst = float(self.range.split(',')[0]) lst = float(self.range.split(',')[1]) tmp = [] if is_alert == 'YES': alert = False for data in raw_data: if fst <= data <= lst: if self.item == 'SYSTEM STATUS': # translate status data = 'OK' tmp.append(str(data)) else: alert = True if self.item == 'SYSTEM STATUS': # translate status data = 'NOT OK (%s)' % data tmp.append(str(data) + '(!!)') else: alert = False for data in raw_data: tmp.append(str(data)) return '/'.join(tmp), alert def perf_data(self, name, raw_data, unit, is_alert): order = 1 perf = [] for data in raw_data: if len(raw_data) > 1: name_tmp = name + str(order) else: name_tmp = name if self.range and is_alert == 'YES': fst = int(self.range.split(',')[0]) lst = int(self.range.split(',')[1]) else: fst = '' lst = '' perf.append('%s=%d%s;%s;%s;;' % (name_tmp, data, unit, fst, lst)) order += 1 return ' '.join(perf) def count_enemy(self): oid = self.items['Unit Modules'][0] blood, tmp = self.first_blood(oid) if self.module > float(blood): print 'ERROR - You requested module %d but there is only %s module installed.' % (self.module, blood.split('.')[0]) sys.exit(2) else: _ = self.module_base_oid + str(self.module_x + int(blood.split('.')[0])) return _ # number of module installed def sniper(self, base_oid): oids = [] out_screen = [] try: bodies = self.list[self.item] except KeyError as error: print 'ERROR - Invalid type' optp.print_help() sys.exit(1) exitcode = None perf = [''] for body in bodies: for tmp in range(0, len(self.items[body][:-3])): self.items[body][tmp] = base_oid + self.items[body][tmp] oids.append([body, ' '.join(self.items[body][:-3]), self.items[body][-3], self.items[body][-2], self.items[body][-1]]) for o in range(0, len(oids)): name = oids[o][0] oid = oids[o][1] value, raw_data = self.first_blood(oid) unit = oids[o][2] is_alert = oids[o][-2] # alarm option? if oids[o][-1] == 'PERF': # enable perf data perf.append(self.perf_data(name, raw_data, unit, is_alert)) if self.item == 'SYSTEM STATUS': self.range = '0,0' if self.range is None: alert = False out_screen.append(('%s: %s %s' % (name, value, unit)).strip()) else: value_2, alert = self.raise_alert(raw_data, is_alert) out_screen.append(('%s: %s %s' % (name, value_2, unit)).strip()) if alert: exitcode = 2 if not alert and exitcode != 2: exitcode = 0 return out_screen, exitcode, perf def main(self): if self.item == 'SYSTEM STATUS': # do not use base_oid for SYSTEM STATUS base_oid = '' else: base_oid = self.count_enemy() out_screen, exitcode, perf = self.sniper(base_oid) ecd = {0: 'OK', 2: 'CRIT'} if len(perf) > 1: perf[0] = '|' print '%s - %s %s' % (ecd[exitcode], ', '.join(out_screen), ' '.join(perf)) sys.exit(exitcode) if __name__ == '__main__': optp = optparse.OptionParser() optp.add_option('-H', '--host', help='hostname or IP address', dest='host') optp.add_option('-c', help='SNMP community', dest='community') optp.add_option('-t', '--type', help='BATTERY VOLTAGE, BATTERY CURRENT, BATTERY STATUS, SYSTEM STATUS, INPUT, OUTPUT', dest='type') optp.add_option('-m', '--module', help='module to check', dest='module', type='int') optp.add_option('-a', '--range', help='normal range, when something out of scope alert will be raised. Ex: -a 0,80', dest='range', type='string') opts, args = optp.parse_args() if opts.community is None or opts.host is None: optp.print_help() sys.exit(1) if opts.module is None and opts.type != 'SYSTEM STATUS': print 'You must specify module number' sys.exit(1) else: if opts.type is None: print 'What info do you need to check?' sys.exit(1) #GET UPS SYSTEM INFO PARSER(opts.host, opts.community, opts.module, opts.type, opts.range).main()