Traphandling for Vortex GDT8x14RZ Raidcontroller ================================================ Author: ------- Martin Fuerstenau, OCE Printing Sytems GmbH Prerequisities: --------------- - Installed snmptrapd - Installed and configured snmptt - Installed Nagios with installed eventhandlers (With Suse the eventhandlers are part of the development or the source package) How it works: ------------- The srcd demon running on the host conatining the ICP Vortex controller will send a snmptrap in cause of trouble to the monitor host. On the monitor host the trap ist received by snmptrapd and passed to snmptt. snmptt will process the trap as defined (see Installation and Appendix A.). Instead of passing the trapvalues directly via submit_check_result to nagios they are passed to several wrapper scripts. Do this provides several benefits like testing the Nagios construct without the need to send traps, filtering of values/characters and several other things. There are three types of traps: - MAJOR, wich will cause a warning in my case (Returncode 1) - INFO, which will only change the plugin-output but stays green (Returncode 0) - CRITICAL, which is an actual alarm and causes red (Returncode 2) The wrapper script will address the host, the service definition , the returncode and the payload (i.e. the information) from the trap. Doing it this way makes it very easy to use it in Nagios. All major definitions are done in a template (see Appendix B). For every host you need a service definition (see Appendix C) Please modify it to your need. Seperate it in 3 services has the benefit that you see what happened. If all types of alert will be in one service definition can cause that you will not take notice of a potential problem because every plugin output is replaced with a next. Installation: ------------- 1. snmptt configuration: ------------------------ The config file is derived from the MIB deliverd by Vortex. Please include it in your snmptt.ini like this: [TrapFiles] # A list of snmptt.conf files (this is NOT the snmptrapd.conf file). The COMPLETE path # and filename. Ex: '/etc/snmp/snmptt.conf' snmptt_conf_files = <