#!/usr/bin/env python # Created 09/2016 by Kalle (mddka at web.de) # This plugin is created for monitoring # Juniper SRX240 FRU status / NETWORKs transfer speeds / SYSTEM Usage / SPU Usage / TEMPS # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see # # Last modification 17.10.2016 -> Bugfix Network speed calculation import optparse import datetime import sys import re import os import time import netsnmp import subprocess import shlex import json from math import log RETURNSTRINGS = {0 : "OK", 1 : "WARNING", 2 : "CRITICAL", 3 : "UNKNOWN", -1 : "UNKNOWN"} RETURNCODE = { 'OK': 0, 'WARNING' : 1, 'CRITICAL' : 2, 'UNKNOWN' : 3, 'UNKNOWN' : -1} FRUTYPE = {1 : "other", 2 : "clockGEnerator", 3 : "flexiblePicConcentrator", 4 : "switchingAndForwardingModule", 5 : "controlBoard", 6 : "routingEngine", 7 : "powerEntryModule", 8 : "frontPanelModule",\ 9 : "switchInterfaceBoard", 10 : "processorMezzanineBoardForSIB", 11 : "portInterfaceCard", 12 : "craftInterfacePanel", 13 : "fan"} FRUSTATE = {1 : "unknown", 2 : "empty", 3 : "present", 4 : "ready", 5 : "announceOnline", 6 : "online", 7 : "anounceOffline", 8 : "offline", 9 : "diagnostic", 10 : "standby"} FRUOFFLINEREASON = {1: "unknown(1)",2:"none(2)",3:"error(3)",4:"noPower(4)",5:"configPowerOff(5)",6:"configHoldInReset(6)",7:"cliCommand(7)",8:"buttonPress(8)",9:"cliRestart(9)",10:"overtempShutdown(10)",\ 11:"masterClockDown(11)", 12:"singleSfmModeChange(12)",13:"packetSchedulingModeChange(13)",14:"physicalRemoval(14)",15:"unresponsiveRestart(15)",16:"sonetClockAbsent(16)",17:"rddPowerOff",\ 18:"majorErrors(18)",19:"minorErrors(19)",20:"lccHardRestart(20)",21:"lccVersionMismatch(21)",22:"powerCycle(22)",23:"reconnect(23)",24:"overvoltage(24)",25:"pfeVersionMismatch(25)",26:"febRddCfgChange(26)",\ 27:"fpcMisconfig(27)",28:"fruReconnectFail(28)",29:"fruFwddReset(29)",30:"fruFebSwitch(30)",31:"fruFebOffline(31)",32:"fruInServSoftUpgradeError(32)",33:"fruChasdPowerRatingExceed(33)",\ 34:"fruConfigOffline(34)",35:"fruServiceRestartRequest(35)",36:"spuResetRequest(36)",37:"spuFlowdDown(37)",38:"spuSpi4Down(38)",39:"spuWatchdogTimeout(39)", 40:"spuCoreDump(40)",\ 41:"fpgaSpi4LinkDown(41)",42:"i3Spi4LinkDown(42)",43:"cppDisconnect(43)",44:"cpuNotBoot(44)",45:"spuCoreDumpComplete(45)", 46:"rstOnSpcSpuFailure(46)",47:"softRstOnSpcSpuFailure(47)",\ 48:"hwAuthenticationFailure(48)",49:"reconnectFpcFail(49)", 50:"fpcAppFailed(50)", 51:"fpcKernelCrash(51)",52:"spuFlowdDownNoCore(52)",53:"spuFlowdCoreDumpIncomplete(53)", \ 54:"spuFlowdCoreDumpComplete(54)", 55:"spuIdpdDownNoCore(55)",56:"spuIdpdCoreDumpIncomplete(56)",57:"spuIdpdCoreDumpComplete(57)",58:"spuCoreDumpIncomplete(58)",59:"spuIdpdDown(59)", \ 60:"fruPfeReset(60)",61:"fruReconnectNotReady(61)",62:"fruSfLinkDown(62)"} unit_list = zip(['bits/s', 'kb/s', 'Mb/s', 'Gb/s', 'Tb/s', 'Pb/s'], [0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 2]) class fruElement(object): def __init__(self, name, mytypecode, statecode, temp): self.__description = name.replace(' ', '_') self.__type = mytypecode self.__state = statecode self.__temp = temp self.__rCode = 0 self.__rString = 'UNKNOWN' self.__cpuUsage = 0 self.__memUsage = 0 self.__offlineReason = 0 def getTemperature(self): if self.__temp != '0': return self.__temp else: return None def getState(self): return FRUSTATE[int(self.__state)] def getStateCode(self): return self.__stateCode def getType(self): return FRUTYPE[int(self.__type)] def getTypeCode(self): return self.__type def getName(self): return self.__description def setReturnCode(self, k): self.__rString = k self.__rCode = RETURNCODE[k] def getReturnCode(self): return self.__rCode def getReturnString(self): return self.__rString def setCpuUsage(self, usage): self.__cpuUsage = usage def getCpuUsage(self): return self.__cpuUsage def setMemUse(self, mem): self.__memUsage = mem def getMemUse(self): return self.__memUsage def setOfflineReason(self, reason): self.__offlineReason = FRUOFFLINEREASON[int(reason)] def getOfflineReason(self): return self.__offlineReason class myNet(object): def __init__(self, name, octetsIn, octetsOut, timeStamp): self.__description = name.replace(' ', '_') self.__ocIn = octetsIn self.__ocOut = octetsOut self.__timestamp = timeStamp def getName(self): return self.__description def getOctIn(self): return int(self.__ocIn) def getOctOut(self): return int(self.__ocOut) def getTimeStamp(self): return self.__timestamp def SNMPGET(oid): VBoid = netsnmp.Varbind(oid) result = netsnmp.snmpget(oid, Version = 2 if options.version == "2c" else int(options.version), DestHost=options.host, Community=options.community, Timeout=800000, Retries=0)[0] if options.verbose: print "SNMPGET: %40s -> %s" % (oid, result) return result def getInterfacesOctets(): args = { "Version": 2 if options.version == "2c" else int(options.version), "DestHost": options.host, "Community": options.community } n = 0 netList = [] result = netsnmp.snmpwalk(netsnmp.Varbind(OIDs["ifIndex"]),**args) if not len(result): back2nagios(RETURNCODE['UNKNOWN'], 'SNMP UNKNOWN: Timeout or no answer from %s.' % options.host) sys.exit(-1) for idx in result: descr, oper, cin, cout = netsnmp.snmpget( netsnmp.Varbind(OIDs["ifAlias"], idx), netsnmp.Varbind(OIDs["ifOperStatus"], idx), netsnmp.Varbind(OIDs["ifHCInOctets"], idx), netsnmp.Varbind(OIDs["ifHCOutOctets"], idx), **args) if descr == "lo": continue if "None" in str(descr): continue if oper == "3": continue if options.verbose: print("Description: {} In-Octets: {} Out-Octets: {}".format(descr,cin, cout)) thisNet= myNet(descr, cin, cout, timeNow()) netList.append(thisNet) return netList def getFruStats(): args = { "Version": 2 if options.version == "2c" else int(options.version), "DestHost": options.host, "Community": options.community, "Timeout": 800000 } lastIndex = 0 n = 1 cpu = 0 mem = 0 offreason = 0 result = netsnmp.snmpwalk(netsnmp.Varbind(OIDs["jnxFruContentsIndex"]),**args) if not len(result): back2nagios(RETURNCODE['UNKNOWN'], 'SNMP UNKNOWN: Timeout or no answer from %s' % options.host) sys.exit(-1) fruList = [] for idx in result: if lastIndex == idx: n+=1 else: n=1 if str(idx) == str(9): n=0 lastIndex = idx if str(idx) == str(9): name, typ, state, temp, cpu, mem, offReason = netsnmp.snmpwalk( netsnmp.Varbind(OIDs["jnxFruName"], idx+'.1.'+str(n)), netsnmp.Varbind(OIDs["jnxFruType"], idx+'.1.'+str(n)), netsnmp.Varbind(OIDs["jnxFruState"], idx+'.1.'+str(n)), netsnmp.Varbind(OIDs["jnxFruTemp"], idx+'.1.'+str(n)), netsnmp.Varbind(OIDs["jnxOperatingCPU"], idx+'.1.'+str(n)), netsnmp.Varbind(OIDs["jnxOperatingBuffer"], idx+'.1.'+str(n)), netsnmp.Varbind(OIDs["jnxFruOfflineReason"], idx+'.1.'+str(n)), **args) else: name, typ, state, temp, offReason = netsnmp.snmpwalk( netsnmp.Varbind(OIDs["jnxFruName"], idx+'.'+str(n)), netsnmp.Varbind(OIDs["jnxFruType"], idx+'.'+str(n)), netsnmp.Varbind(OIDs["jnxFruState"], idx+'.'+str(n)), netsnmp.Varbind(OIDs["jnxFruTemp"], idx+'.'+str(n)), netsnmp.Varbind(OIDs["jnxFruOfflineReason"], idx+'.'+str(n)), **args) thisFRU = fruElement(name,typ,state,temp) if cpu: if 'USB' not in name: thisFRU.setCpuUsage(cpu) if mem: if 'USB' not in name: thisFRU.setMemUse(mem) if offReason: thisFRU.setOfflineReason(offReason) fruList.append(thisFRU) if options.verbose: print("Name: {} Type: {} State: {} Temp: {}".format(name,typ,state,temp)) return fruList def back2nagios(retcode,retstr): print '%s : %s - %s' % (options.what, RETURNSTRINGS[retcode],retstr) sys.exit(retcode) def timeNow(): t = datetime.datetime.now() return int(t.strftime("%s")) def savePerfData(dataIn): try: with open('/tmp/juniper_lastdata.txt', 'w') as fp: json.dump(dataIn, fp) except Exception, Ex: print str(Ex) sys.exit(127) def loadPerfData(): try: with open('/tmp/juniper_lastdata.txt') as fp: dataOut = json.load(fp) return dataOut except Exception, Ex: print str(Ex) return None def calcNetSpeed(oldTime, oldOctets, newTime, newOctets): if oldOctets > newOctets: newOctets += 18446744073709551615 netspeed = ((newOctets-float(oldOctets))*float(8))/(float(newTime)-oldTime) #to get bps return int(round(netspeed)) def humanReadableSpeed(num): """Human friendly transfer Speed """ if num > 1: exponent = min(int(log(num, 1024)), len(unit_list) - 1) quotient = float(num) / 1024**exponent unit, num_decimals = unit_list[exponent] format_string = '{:.%sf} {}' % (num_decimals) return format_string.format(quotient, unit) if num == 0: return '0 bps' if num == 1: return '1 bps' def whatStateIsIt(value): if int(value) >= int(options.crit): return 2 elif int(value) >= int(options.warn): return 1 else: return 0 ############################### Setup ####### parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.add_option("-H", "", dest="host", help="Hostname/IP to check (- Required -)", metavar="HOST") parser.add_option("-v", "", dest="version", help="SNMP Version to use (Default : 2c)", metavar="1/2c") parser.add_option("-W", "", dest="what", help="What should be checked (Default : TEMP)", metavar="NETWORKS / TEMP / SYSTEM / SPU") parser.add_option("-C", "", dest="community", help="set non default community string (Default : public)") parser.add_option("-i", "", dest="id", help="Identifier (Port ID etc) (- Optional -)") parser.add_option("-L", "", dest="label", help="Label for Return Message (- Optional -)") parser.add_option("-V", "", dest="verbose", help="MORE ;)") parser.add_option("-w", "", dest="warn", help="WARNING Thresold") parser.add_option("-c", "", dest="crit", help="CRITICAL Thresold") parser.set_defaults(version='1') parser.set_defaults(community='public') parser.set_defaults(what='temp') parser.set_defaults(label='check_juniper.py :') (options, args) = parser.parse_args() OIDs ={ 'ifIndex': '.', 'ifAlias': '.', 'ifOperStatus': '.', 'ifHCInOctets': '.', 'ifHCOutOctets': '.', 'jnxFruContentsIndex': '.', 'jnxFruName': '.', 'jnxFruType': '.', 'jnxFruState': '.', 'jnxFruTemp': '.', 'jnxFruOfflineReason': '.', 'jnxOperatingCPU': '.', 'jnxOperatingBuffer': '.', 'jnxJsSPUMonitoringCPUUsage': '.', 'jnxJsSPUMonitoringMemoryUsage':'.' } ################################ PRECHECK ################################ if options.verbose: print "Checking if Host is set..." if options.host == None: ### host defined ? print "Hey! Please come back with a hostname or IP (-H) !" sys.exit(-1) if options.verbose: print "...Done" if options.verbose: print "checking host aviability" command_line = "ping -c 1 " + options.host ### host aviable ? arguments = shlex.split(command_line) try: subprocess.check_call(arguments,stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE) if options.verbose: print "host aviable" except subprocess.CalledProcessError: print "No host aviable on address: %s, exiting..."%options.host sys.exit(-1) if options.verbose: print "Checking SNMP-Version..." if not options.version == "2c" and not options.version == "1": ### supported SNMP-Version ? print "Unknown or unsupported SNMP-Version : %s , exiting ..."% options.version sys.exit(-1) if options.verbose: print "...Done" ########################################################################################################### system = False temp = False network = False system = False fru = False spu = False perfData = {} if options.verbose: print "Checking what to Monitor..." if options.what.upper() == 'FRU': fru = True elif options.what.upper() == 'TEMP': temp = True elif options.what.upper() == 'NETWORKS' or options.what.upper() == 'NETWORK' or options.what.upper() == 'NETWORKING' or options.what.upper() == 'NET': network = True elif options.what.upper() == 'SYSTEM' or options.what.upper() == 'SYS': system = True elif options.what.upper() == 'SPU': spu = True else: print "Unknown option :%s, try NETWORKS/SYSTEM/TEMP/FRU/SPU"%(options.what) sys.exit(-1) ############################################################################################################# returnCode =0 returnMessage ='' returnPerfData = '|' if fru or temp or system: if not fru: if not options.warn or not options.crit: print "Please define Warn / Crit for Perfiormance Data, exiting ..." sys.exit(-1) if int(options.warn) > int(options.crit): print "WARN-Threshold can not be greater than CRIT-threshold ..." sys.exit(-1) snmpdata = getFruStats() problemFlag = False if not snmpdata: back2nagios(RETURNCODE['UNKNOWN'], 'SNMP UNKNOWN: Timeout or no answer from %s.' % options.host) sys.exit(-1) if fru: for idx in snmpdata: if idx.getState() != "empty": if options.verbose: print "%s type %s : state: %s "%(idx.getName(),idx.getType(),idx.getState()) if idx.getState() != "online": idx.setReturnCode('CRITICAL') if options.verbose: print "%s type %s : state: %s "%(idx.getName(),idx.getType(),idx.getState()) else: idx.setReturnCode('OK') else: idx.setReturnCode('OK') if options.verbose: print idx.getName(), idx.getState(), idx.getReturnCode(), idx.getReturnString() for idx in snmpdata: if idx.getReturnCode(): returnMessage += idx.getName() + ' is '+ idx.getState() if idx.getState() == "offline": returnMessage += ' - Reason: ' + idx.getOfflineReason() problemFlag = True if idx.getReturnCode() > returnCode: returnCode =idx.getReturnCode() if not problemFlag: returnMessage = 'All fine' back2nagios(returnCode, returnMessage) elif temp: returnMessage = 'Temperatures: ' for idx in snmpdata: if idx.getTemperature(): if int(idx.getTemperature()) >= int(options.warn): idx.setReturnCode('WARNING') returnCode = 1 if int(idx.getTemperature()) >= int(options.crit): idx.setReturnCode('CRITICAL') returnCode = 2 returnMessage += idx.getName() + ' : ' + idx.getTemperature()+ 'C ' returnPerfData += ' '+ idx.getName() + '=' + idx.getTemperature()+';'+ options.warn+';'+options.crit back2nagios(returnCode, returnMessage + returnPerfData) elif system: returnMessage = 'System: ' for idx in snmpdata: if idx.getCpuUsage(): returnCode = whatStateIsIt(idx.getCpuUsage()) idx.setReturnCode(RETURNSTRINGS[returnCode]) returnMessage += 'CPU-Usage ' + idx.getName() + ' : ' + str(idx.getCpuUsage())+ '% ' returnPerfData += ' '+ 'SYSTEM-CPU-Usage' + '=' + str(idx.getCpuUsage())+';'+ options.warn+';'+options.crit if idx.getMemUse(): returnCode = whatStateIsIt(idx.getMemUse()) idx.setReturnCode(RETURNSTRINGS[returnCode]) returnMessage += 'Memory-Usage '+ idx.getName() + ' : ' + str(idx.getMemUse())+ '% ' returnPerfData += ' '+ 'SYSTEM-MEM-Usage' + '=' + str(idx.getMemUse())+';'+ options.warn+';'+options.crit back2nagios(returnCode, returnMessage + returnPerfData) elif spu: returnMessage = 'SPU: ' spuUsage = SNMPGET(OIDs['jnxJsSPUMonitoringCPUUsage']) if spuUsage: if not returnCode: returnCode = whatStateIsIt(spuUsage) returnMessage +='SPU-CPU-Usage: ' + str(spuUsage)+ '% ' returnPerfData += ' SPU-CPU-Usage=' + str(spuUsage)+';'+ options.warn+';'+options.crit spuUsage = SNMPGET(OIDs['jnxJsSPUMonitoringMemoryUsage']) if spuUsage: if whatStateIsIt(spuUsage)> returnCode: returnCode = whatStateIsIt(spuUsage) returnMessage +='SPU-MEM-Usage: ' + str(spuUsage)+ '% ' returnPerfData += ' SPU-MEM-Usage=' + str(spuUsage)+';'+ options.warn+';'+options.crit back2nagios(returnCode, returnMessage+ returnPerfData) elif network: snmpdata = getInterfacesOctets() returnMessage ='' returnPerfData = '|' for idx in snmpdata: perfData[idx.getName()]= ((idx.getOctIn()),(idx.getOctOut()), (timeNow())) oldPerfdata = loadPerfData() savePerfData(perfData) if not oldPerfdata: print "no old Perfdata, cannot calculate average speed" else: if oldPerfdata.keys() == perfData.keys(): for idx in snmpdata: speedIn = calcNetSpeed(oldPerfdata[idx.getName()][2],oldPerfdata[idx.getName()][0], perfData[idx.getName()][2], perfData[idx.getName()][0]) speedOut = calcNetSpeed(oldPerfdata[idx.getName()][2],oldPerfdata[idx.getName()][1], perfData[idx.getName()][2], perfData[idx.getName()][1]) if not speedIn or not speedOut: continue returnMessage += idx.getName() + ' Average In: '+ str(humanReadableSpeed(speedIn)) + ' Out: '+str(humanReadableSpeed(speedOut))+ ', ' returnPerfData += ' '+ idx.getName()+'-IN' + '='+ str(speedIn)+';;'+ ' '+ idx.getName()+'-OUT' + '='+ str(speedOut)+';;'+ ' ' back2nagios(0, returnMessage+returnPerfData) else: print "Networks since last check changed, or File Corrupt"