Version 0.2.1
Install mod_python with apache if you don't have it already.
Install configobj for python by typing this in your shell:
easy_install configobj
If you don't have easy_install then you're missing setuptools for python. If you
are running Debian, you can install it with:
apt-get install python-setuptools
Or you can download it from
On a standalone Nagios installation, edit side.html in your Nagios directory and
just above 'Tactical Overview' add this:
DashBoard |
And the following just above the "View Dashboard" line.
DashBoard Admin |
DashBoard View |
Copy dashboard*.py files in your Nagios cgi-bin directory with rest of cgi files
(avail.cgi, cmd.cgi, tac.cgi, extinfo.cgi ...). For Standalone Nagios this is
typically /usr/local/nagios/bin. Under Groundwork this is typically
(5.2.1) /usr/local/groundwork/apache2/cgi-bin/nagios or
(5.3.*) /usr/local/groundwork/nagios/sbin. Change the ownership and group of
the files copied to be the same as that the Nagios installation is running as.
Copy dashboard.css in your Nagios stylesheets directory with rest of css files!
For a standalone Nagios this is typically /usr/local/nagios/share/stylesheets.
For Groundwork it is typically /usr/local/groundwork/nagios/share/stylesheets.
Change the ownership and group of the file copied to be the same as that the
Nagios installation is running as.
Create a DashBoard directory inside Nagios directory named Dashboard which will
hold user's configuration files for Dashboard. Change the ownership and group of
the directory created to be the same as that the Nagios installation is running
as. Change the permission to allow write for owner and group.
Edit the and change the datfile and cfgfile PATHs. you can
also set the default logo to use as well as the number of blocks per line and
items per line inside each block.
For standalond Nagios installations, simply clear your cache in browser and
reload Nagios web page. Now you should see the DashBoard, Dashboard Admin, and
Dashboard View links in your left-side menu.
Create your own configuration and start monitoring! :)
For Groundwork you have several more steps to go:
Under Administration/Wrappit create 2 new packages with the following
Package 1:
General Tab
Name of Application: Nagios Dashboard
Description of Application: Nagios Dashboard
Base URL: /nagios/cgi-bin
Welcome URL: /
Menu Tab
Name of Menu Item: Dashboard
URL of Menu Item: /
click "Create Menu Item"
Single Sign-On Tab
Check "Enable Single Sign-On" checkbox
Export Tab
Click "Install Package"
Package 2:
General Tab
Name of Application: Nagios Dashboard Admin
Description of Application: Nagios Dashboard Administration
Base URL: /nagios/cgi-bin
Welcome URL: /
Menu Tab
Add both of these items
Name of Menu Item: Create/Edit
URL of Menu Item: /
click "Create Menu Item"
Name of Menu Item: View
URL of Menu Item: /
click "Create Menu Item"
Single Sign-On Tab
Check "Enable Single Sign-On" checkbox
Export Tab
Click "Install Package"
Replace this line:
$guava->SSO_createAuthTicket("nagios_auth_tkt", "/nagios/", 'nagiosadmin');
With the following line:
$guava->SSO_createAuthTicket("nagios_auth_tkt", "/nagios/", $_SESSION['username']);
in the following files
For Groundwork 5.3*
For Groundwork 5.2.1
Considering groundwork is installed in /usr/local/groundwork
Until this is done, the ONLY dashboard the system will see is the one for
See ReadMe.txt file for config file syntax definition and sample