These are just some scripts I cooked up on my own. They work fine for me, your mileage may vary. Please let me know if you find these script useful. It may encourage me to work on them. :-) Tony Wasson ( - Shows percentage of connections available. It uses "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pg_stat_activity" / "SHOW max_connections". It can also alert when less than a certain number of connections are available. - If you have query logging enabled this summarizes the types of queries running (SELECT ,INSERT ,DELETE ,UPDATE ,ALTER ,CREATE ,TRUNCATE, VACUUM, COPY) and warns if any queries have been running longer than 5 minutes (configurable). - Look for locks that block and for baselining lock activity. - Makes sure that postgresql's time is in sync with the monitoring server. - Whines if any queries are in the "waiting" state. Requires waiting-query-check installed on each DB server. waiting-query-check - supporting script for It needs to run on each postgresql database server. It uses SNMP exec functionality. To use it put something like this in your DB server(s) /etc/snmpd.conf file: exec waiting-query-check /usr/local/bin/waiting-query-check ***** Here's a sample for your checkcommands.cfg file in nagios #compare time via postgresql define command { command_name check_pgtime command_line $USER1$/ $HOSTADDRESS$ template1 postgres } #Get # of active connecctions define command { command_name check_pgconn command_line $USER1$/ $HOSTADDRESS$ template1 postgres } #Get # of db locks define command { command_name check_pglocks command_line $USER1$/ $HOSTADDRESS$ template1 postgres } #Find any queries waiting define command{ command_name check_pgwaiting command_line $USER1$/ -H $HOSTADDRESS$ } #Find slow or abnormal queries running define command{ command_name check_pgqueries command_line $USER1$/ $HOSTADDRESS$ template1 postgres }