README written by Remco Hage RealOpenIT bv Informaticalaan 7 2628ZD Delft The Netherlands This document is written for the script get_nagios_hosts and get_nagios_services_for_host. The scripts just reading from the nagios.log and grep for unknow services and hosts. Let the scripts run and you wil see the results in your configuration files. I let the script run, and add them directly into the customer.cfg files, reload nagios once in a while and see new services and hosts comming in. The scripts are develloped for configuration files in /usr/local/nagios/etc/object/klanten/$KLANT/$KLANT.cfg We use Nagios NSCA to monitor our customers, al hosts are comming in with CUSTOMERNAME-hostname ($KLANT = custemername). The script stripes everything before the *-hostname. To exclude services for a host, or hosts I recommend to put # signs for the service / host definition. If you have further questions, improvements or anything, don't hestitate to contact me. With kind regards, Remco Hage