Best practice ============= In the commands.cfg add this: # 'check_curl_http' command definition define command{ command_name check_curl_http command_line $USER1$/check_curl_http.php -U $ARG1$ $ARG2$ } Then you can use it as follow in your service definitions. E.g. in the hosts.cfg: define service{ use generic-service ; Name of service template to use - the default Nagios delivers host_name myhost service_description myWebsiteTest check_command check_curl_http!""!-P ProxyIPaddress:ProxyPort -Pu mydomain\\\\myproxyuser:myproxypw -F -I -G "Thisismysearchstring" notifications_enabled 1 } Little hint: Since this test is related to your http proxy, you want to confiure the http proxy server as host and do something like: "-P $HOSTADDRESS$:8080" in the service definition