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Category: Others

Other types of frontends for Nagios, for which there is no specific category yet.

Network Monitoring Software - Download Nagios XI
Log Management Software - Nagios Log Server - Download
Netflow Analysis Software - Nagios Network Analyzer - Download

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Category Listings:
There are 3 Listings in this Category.List your addon or plugin here!


nagios2lcd nagios2lcd is an lcdproc client that displays Nagios status information to an lcd display.

Nagios: Active Directory Authentication

Nagios: Active Directory Authentication This projects for Nagios allows you to authenticate users against Active Directory. And if they are member of the correct Domain Group, They will see hosts and services enabled for that group. Also, They can even use the single sign on if enabled on their ...

NXE - Nagios XML Engine

NXE - Nagios XML Engine The Nagios XML Engine (NXE for short) is an Open Source XML processing layer for the Nagios scheduling & monitoring platform. NXE provides an XML interface for the most critical aspects of managing and reporting on your Nagios infrastructure via XML.