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Category: 2011 Nagios World Conference Presentations

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2011 Conference Presentations


2011 Conference Presentations Check this out! You can download the slides for the 2011 conference presentations and workshops. We'll be posting videos of the sessions in November as well - stay tuned!

Anders Haal - Business Activity Monitoring With The Nag...


One of the buzz words in the enterprise IT industry today is BAM - Business Activity Monitoring. The concept was “invented” by Gartner and puts the focus on monitoring business information and notifications in real-time. The driver behind this concept ...

Arun Ramanathan - Environment Monitoring With Nagios


Environment monitoring seems to have increased significance over the recent years. In this application we are focused on monitoring temperature, humidity, illumination, air quality and electrical energy. In many of our corporate or home environments these ...

Christian Mies - German Health Insurance Company Refere...


This Presentation gives an Overview about challenging a complex Monitoring Project with all its Monitoring and Gateway Integrations. Topics are the complex, heterogeneous and distributed infrastructure. An additional focus is on Gateway Development to 3rd ...

Daniel Wittenberg - Scaling Nagios At A Giant Insurance...


This presentations covers all aspects of Nagios needed to scale to a large environment with over 35,000 devices and 1.4 million service checks. It discuses the hardware, operating system, Nagios Core, plugins, and configurations that you can use in a larg ...

Dave Williams - Nagios In The Real World - The Datacent...


A description of a real-world implementation of Nagios and it's numerous add-ons that monitors & reports on a Tier-3 datacentre and all of the mechanical & electrical plant that a datacentre needs. Use of Nagvis, SNMPTT, dbevent, nsca & nrpe. Description ...

David Thomas - Know Its Broke Before Your Customers Do


How can your company or organization monitor, track and keep you notified of "anything and everything" that might go wrong in your network while maintaining your change management database? This can be done no matter what your budget constraints or requir ...

Ethan Galstad - Keynote Presentation


Ethan is the creator of Nagios from its early days as "NetSaint" in 1999. He currently serves as the President of Nagios Enterprises and is involved in development, architectural design, and various management duties. In his presentation, Ethan talks abo ...

Ethan Galstad - Nagios XI Overview


Ethan is the creator of Nagios from its early days as "NetSaint" in 1999. He currently serves as the President of Nagios Enterprises and is involved in development, architectural design, and various management duties. Ethan provides an introduction to Na ...

Jared Bird - Using Nagios As A Security Tool


In his presentation, Jared Bird covers the use Nagios as a security tool. Throughout the talk, various security topics are discussed as and it is demonstrated how Nagios can be used to monitor for various security abnormalities.

Jeff Sly - Case Study Nagios @ Nu Skin


Case Study: Consolidating Multiple Monitoring Platforms Across Worldwide Data Centers At Nu Skin. Jeff discusses Nu Skin's project to create a centralized, integrated monitoring system designed to save Nu Skin, time, money, and help them all sleep bette ...

Kimbrough Henley - Using Nagios To Monitor ServiceDesk


ServiceDesk is a web based IT Call Center help desk application, used by many fortune 500 companies. However, it may to some people lack the needed features and flexibility when it comes to notifications. By designing plugins that can alert regarding new ...

Larry Adams - 10 Years Of Cacti


This presentation covers topics relating to the use and deployment of Cacti and other monitoring solutions.

Matt Wall - Performance Graphing and Trending In Nagios


This presentation covers graphing/trending topics, with nagiosgraph as the example implementation and covering some best practices (e.g. rrdtool issues, data collection options, data freshness, host/service naming, aggregation versus specialization, autom ...

Michael Medin - NSClient Plus Plus: Whats New


This presentation focuses mainly on whats new and whats up in the near future when it comes to NSClient++ as well as an introduction on option when it comes to Windows monitoring as well as why we need it. Michael Medin also explains how you can get the m ...

Michael Medin - Workshop: Scripting On The Windows Side


Scripting on Windows is something many people think twice before doing. Strange as it may seem scripting on Windows is actually both rewarding and simple to do. There is a myriad of languages you can use *including many you already know* so there is no re ...

Mike Guthrie - Distributed Monitoring With Nagios: Past...


A review of how distributed monitoring has been done in the past, how it can be done with newly available tools, along with the bottlenecks and limitations with different approaches. Will also include a discussion on new ideas for distributed monitoring a ...

Mike Guthrie - Exploring Nagios Visualization Tools


Mike demonstrates the setup and use of different visual tools with Nagios and how they can be used, including Graph Explorer, Nagios BPI, Google Maps integration, Hypermap and network replay reports, NagVis and DaVinci.

Mike Weber - Training: Choosing Nagios Plugins To Use


Your choice of plugins may be costing you 40%-80% more resources on the Nagios server than you need. This training session demonstrates how to save resources by examining the differences between pubic port monitoring, NRPE, SSH, SNMP and passive scripts. ...

Mike Weber - Training: Getting Started With SNMP


Learn how to start monitoring servers, switches and routers using SNMP. This session takes you through step by step into the basics of SNMP and the commands you can use to get an edge on a not so easy process.

Mike Weber - Training: Monitoring Linux Mail Servers Wi...


This training session focuses on the features that are most important to monitor on a Linux mail server. Topics include port access speeds (SMTP, POP3, IMAP, POP3S and IMAPS), queue management, mailbox verification, email reception, anti-virus signatures ...

Mike Weber - Training: Reducing Nagios Server Load With...


A common question that is often asked is how to reduce the load on the Nagios server so it can perform more efficiently. Mod-Gearman provides a way to distribute checks across your network to reduce the load on the Nagios server. This session provides the ...

Nate Broderick - Nagios XI Large Implementation Tips an...


Nate discusses issues related to deploying a large Nagios XI installation that are part of a large monitoring project Nu Skin is undertaking. Topics that are covered include: Working with plugins, meat and potatoes monitoring, integrating different monito ...

Nathan Vonnahme - Integrating Nagios With Test Driven D...


Monitoring tools are to the sysadmin what testing tools are to the developer. However, there need to be more ways to bring both toolsets together. Nathan Vonnahme presents ideas, code and real-world examples demonstrating the opportunities of this approac ...

Nathan Vonnahme - Writing Custom Nagios Plugins In Perl


A hands-on workshop walking you through writing your first custom check script in Perl using the Nagios::Plugin toolkit. Basic familiarity with Perl, Ruby, PHP, or shell scripting would help, but the basic concepts will be transferable to other languages.

Nicholas Scott - Nagios Performance Tuning


This presentation covers methods for monitoring and improving the performance of your Nagios servers - including use of caching, RAM disks, passive checks, and database optimization.

Nicolas Brousse - Monitoring A Cloud Infrastructure In ...


Managing a server infrastructure in a fast paced environment like a start-up is challenging. You have little time for provisioning, testing and planning but still you need to get ready to scale when your product reach the tipping point. Amazon EC2 is one ...

Tony Roman - Cacti Workshop


The workshop will cover implementing Cacti in large environments. Other topics - including automation and Nagios integration - may also be covered.

William Leibzon - Nagios In Cloud Computing Environment...


Cloud computing is quickly becoming popular way to setup infrastructure for internet sites and allows to create systems and network architecture that can easily scale with increasing traffic and demand. We will explore use of Nagios to monitor cloud infra ...