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byGHRMSA, May 16, 2019
Follows a fan failure on one of our BladeCenter in our hospital. I corrected the bug that indicates OK status despite one of the failed fans on both. Since this is a major issue on a BladeCenter, I removed the warning state to go directly to critical.

For that I control the state returned for the fan "blower1state and blower2state and I add in addition a condition for which the fan must have a speed of rotation different from 0%:
and blower1speed != "0% of maximum":

def check_blowers():
" Check blower status "
blowers = getTable("")
# This mib only seems to support 2 blowers.
blower1speed = snmpget("")
blower1state = snmpget("")

blower2speed = snmpget("")
blower2state = snmpget("")

add_long( "Blower 1 state=%s speed=%s" % (blower1state,blower1speed) )
add_long( "Blower 2 state=%s speed=%s" % (blower2state,blower2speed) )
add_perfdata("blower1=%s" %(blower1speed.split(None,1)[0] ))
add_perfdata("blower2=%s" %(blower2speed.split(None,1)[0] ))
# Check blower 1
if blower1state == "1" and blower1speed != "0% of maximum":
add_summary("Ventilateur 1 OK. " )
add_summary("Ventilateur 1 KO. ")

# Check blower 2
if blower2state == "1" and blower2speed != "0% of maximum":
add_summary("Ventilateur 2 OK. " )
add_summary("Ventilateur 2 KO. ")
I set up the supervision of 3 IBM V7000 (gen1 and gen2) for the Mulhouse hospital.
Everything works perfectly except for the exclusion of multiple hosts.

For example :

bash-4.1$ ./check_ibm_storwize.pl -cluster=x.1.26.x -check=lshost -user=supervision
CRITICAL: SRVS3 (offline)

bash-4.1$ ./check_ibm_storwize.pl -cluster=x.1.26.x -check=lshost -user=supervision -exclude=SRVS3
OK: all host online

bash-4.1$ ./check_ibm_storwize.pl -cluster=x.2.26.x -check=lshost -user=supervision
CRITICAL: SRAPPLIDIS-H4 (offline) SRIMAGEVAULT (offline) SRAPPLIDIS-H3 (offline) SRAPPLIDIS-H5 (offline) SRVS3 (offline) SRAPPLIDIS-H1 (offline) SRSCCM-CAS (offline) SRSCCM-H1 (offline) SRDC5 (offline)

bash-4.1$ ./check_ibm_storwize.pl -cluster=x.2.26.x -check=lshost exclude=SRAPPLIDIS-H4,SRIMAGEVAULT,SRAPPLIDIS-H3,SRAPPLIDIS-H5,SRVS3,SRAPPLIDIS-H1,SRSCCM-CAS,SRSCCM-H1,SRDC5 -user=supervision
CRITICAL: SRAPPLIDIS-H4 (offline) SRIMAGEVAULT (offline) SRAPPLIDIS-H3 (offline) SRAPPLIDIS-H5 (offline) SRVS3 (offline) SRAPPLIDIS-H1 (offline) SRSCCM-CAS (offline) SRSCCM-H1 (offline) SRDC5 (offline)

The separator is normally a comma.
Despite everything I do not get the expected result.
Our Storwize are in version

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