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byMagalex_2x14, April 24, 2013
Thanks for the great plugin!
With Centreon 2.4.2 i can see graph only for "sent" counter. The problem is related to the performance data format. I'm not good specialist, but i took as a sample perfdata from other service with good graphs, and changed some code in check_mailstat.pl:

change line 97 to: my $perfdata = sprintf "'sent'=%-6.2f;;;;'received'=%-6.2f;;;;'bounced'=%-6.2f;;;;'rejected'=%-6.2f;;;;'virus'=%-6.2f;;;;'spam'=%-6.2f;;;;", @stat_counter;

add as line 98: $perfdata =~ s/\s+//g; #remove spaces

I hope this helps... Sorry for bad English.