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byThomasC., September 11, 2018
getting this error:

(No output on stdout) stderr: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_esxi_hardware.py", line 648, in
wbemclient = pywbem.WBEMConnection(hosturl, (user,password), no_verification=True)
TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'no_verification'
byThomasC., October 13, 2014
SNMP Printer Check

While th eplugin works with my Xerox printers, i always receive:
WARNING: No SNMP response from! Make sure host is up and SNMP is configured properly.

from a Canon iR-ADV C5030. I have configured SNMP and the host is UP.
byThomasC., October 7, 2014
Tried it on a 2060 Cisco Switch and received:

Error in packet.
Reason: noAccess
Failed object: iso.

Status is OK

COnfig file is created but empty.
byThomasC., October 4, 2014
check_usolved_disks - Check usage on all disks
I am running it on a Ubuntu server with php5.
./check_usolved_disks.php -H -C public -w 90 -c 95
returns nothing, no error, no output at all.
Owner's reply

If there's no output, then the php5 snmp extension is missing on your installation (on the latest version of the plugin there's also a check if the snmp extension is available with an output).

Please check if the extension is properly installed and activated in your php.ini.

To install the module on Ubuntu use:
apt-get install php5-snmp

On distributions like RedHat use:
yum install php-snmp