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byasa1, March 7, 2014
Jeff Manross
This example is extremely useful, but the author doesn't seem to understand the crazy way the check_snmp plugin defines critical and warning ranges. For example, the latesttest_result SNMP value is 2 if failed, 1 if passed. The -c 2 flag means anything GREATER than 2 is critical, so a status of 2 passed, when it should not. The correct syntax should be -c 1.

This also affects the snmp_ups_stat check for the main battery status, which I believe should probably use a -c 2 flag, with no warning flag based on this description in the MIB:

"The status of the ups batteries. A batteryLow(3) value indicates the UPS will be unable to sustain the current load, and its services will be lost if power is not restored. The amount of run time in reserve at the time of low battery can be configured by the upsAdvConfigLowBatteryRunTime. A batteryInFaultCondition(4)value indicates that a battery installed has an internal error condition."

It's very unfortunate that the check_snmp works this way, since it makes reading and writing these checks very counter intuitive.

I want to stress that I'm very grateful for all the work the author of this check - it's saved me a huge amount of time, despite these small but important mistakes.