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bybbaghele, March 17, 2016
0 of 1 people found this review helpful
I was trying this script to use outside Nagios as standalone script so it can create email alert and had some suggestions. Not sure they can be implemented or not.

1. The output redirection adds "" extra characters to the end of line. See below example.

# ./check-multipath.pl -s
CRITICAL: LUN mpathb: less than 2 paths (1/4)!
CRITICAL: LUN mpatha: less than 2 paths (1/4)!

# ./check-multipath.pl -s > /tmp/1
# cat /tmp/1
CRITICAL: LUN mpathb: less than 2 paths (1/4)!CRITICAL: LUN mpatha: less than 2 paths (1/4)!root@seieadb93#


2. Can the internal drives (Non SAN) like HP Proliant servers internal SMART array based RAID drives. The multipath -ll command for such internal drive is shown below

# ./check-multipath.pl -s
CRITICAL: LUN mpathb: less than 2 paths (1/4)!
# multipath -ll mpathb
mpathb (3600508b1001c3718d6b6ba8fec4cf14b) dm-2 HP,LOGICAL VOLUME
size=137G features='1 queue_if_no_path' hwhandler='0' wp=rw
`-+- policy='round-robin 0' prio=1 status=active
`- 0:0:0:1 sdb 8:16 active ready running
Owner's reply

1) I'm not shure about this. The ! character is part of the message. The line end charater (new line by default) can be changed by using the parameter -l or --linebreak.
2) Internal drives SHOULD NOT be handled by the multipath driver. Internal drives SHOULD be excluded in the multipath configuration. See multipath documentation.