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bycaramia, August 26, 2014
Hi, i'm tring to use your plugin but i can't embed my credential on check command, also if i use it from cli on nagios server il stuck on password.
I'm wrong in the syntax?

./check_VM_snapshots 10 20 10

Owner's reply

Hi, sorry for the late reply mate.
If you are able to ssh successfully from nagios to ESXi server without prompting you for a password - the script should work. I'm not using any passwords to run the script in my environment. I guess you have to google how to configure ssh without using a password.

bycaramia, March 27, 2014
To run the plugin from nrpe it is necessary execute it with the sudo permission or the plugin respond always OK with all zero value
bycaramia, March 17, 2014
it doesn't work on windows 2008 r2 x64 domain controller because it require elevation.
it is a way to fix the code to make it work?
Owner's reply

Works fine for me when running under Nagios on Windows 2008, Windows 2008 R2, Windows 2012 and 2012 R2.

When testing running from a command prompt, yes, run with elevated rights.