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bydaveb93, June 13, 2010
Sorry to put it out here but I cannot find a support email

Status always returns as follows:
Check of service '24 Hour Bacula Status' on host 'localhost' did not exit properly!

debug shows the following

[1276483758.016594] [016.1] [pid=13917] HOST: localhost, SERVICE: 24 Hour Bacula Status, CHECK TYPE: Active, OPTIONS: 0, SCHEDULED: Yes, RESCHEDULE: Yes, EXITED OK: No, RETURN CODE: 3, OUTPUT: **ePN failed to compile /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_bacula_log: "Variable "$PROGNAME" will not stay shared at (eval 1) line 181," at /usr/lib/nagios3/p1.pl line 250.\n

I can provide more information if needed ... I would love this script as it does exactly what I need !