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byebardellidoxee, July 25, 2013
Hi Ranl,
First of all congratulations for this plugin, it works fine and it’s been really useful to me.

I replaced the previous plugin I was using (check_naf.py) with yours because it was no more reliable generating lots of false positives , however I needed to make some fix and write a new function to replicate some functionalities I loved.

I’m writing to give you a couple of hints, that might improve a little your already really good plugin.

1) Manage SNMP timeout.
my ($sess, $err) = Net::SNMP->session( -hostname => $server, -version => $version, -community => $comm, -timeout=> 60);
If you don’t specify any value, the default is 5 secs and in a busy environment it misses lots of packets. You might add a flag that populate the –timeout parameter of the Net::SNMP->session

2) Negative values when vol > 2TB
Perl’s Net::SNMP returns negative wrong values when the volume check is bigger than 2TB to fix it I needed to added the following workaround

my $snmp_netapp_volume_id_table_df_total = "$snmp_netapp_volume_id_table_df.3";
my $snmp_netapp_volume_id_table_df_total_h = "$snmp_netapp_volume_id_table_df.14";
my $snmp_netapp_volume_id_table_df_total_l = "$snmp_netapp_volume_id_table_df.15";
my $snmp_netapp_volume_id_table_df_used = "$snmp_netapp_volume_id_table_df.4";
my $snmp_netapp_volume_id_table_df_used_h = "$snmp_netapp_volume_id_table_df.16";
my $snmp_netapp_volume_id_table_df_used_l = "$snmp_netapp_volume_id_table_df.17";
my $EXP=4294967296;

### into the function ###

if ($total