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bynagmon7, June 25, 2023
When running the VB script, dcdiag /test:fsmocheck on long domain name, the vbscript get the result "passed test FsmoCheck" on multiple lines, and the script is getting a false error. For example:
Running enterprise tests on :
Starting test: FsmoCheck
......................... passed test
The FsmoCheck appears on the line after "passed test".
The fix when a line end with "passed test", then add the next line at the end if this line.
The code fix is available at:
Here is the updated function to update:
'call dcdiag and parse the output
sub exec(strCmd)
'Declare variables
dim objShell : Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
dim objExecObject, lineout, tmpline, tmpline_no_cr_lf, end_passed_str, tmpline_next
lineout = ""
'Command line options we're using
' pt strCmd
Set objExecObject = objShell.Exec(strCmd)
'Loop until end of output from dcdiag
do While not objExecObject.StdOut.AtEndOfStream
tmpline = lcase(objExecObject.StdOut.ReadLine())
tmpline_no_cr_lf = Replace(tmpline,chr(10),"") ' Newline
tmpline_no_cr_lf = Replace(tmpline,chr(13),"") ' CR
call parselang(tmpline_no_cr_lf)
lineout = lineout + tmpline
if (instr(tmpline_no_cr_lf, ".....")) then
'testresults start with a couple of dots, so lets reset the lineout buffer
lineout= tmpline
if (len(tmpline_no_cr_lf) > 13) then
end_passed_str = Mid(tmpline_no_cr_lf, Len(tmpline_no_cr_lf) - 10, 11)
if(StrComp(end_passed_str, "passed test") = 0) then
tmpline_next = lcase(objExecObject.StdOut.ReadLine())
tmpline_next = Replace(tmpline_next,chr(10),"") ' Newline
tmpline_next = Replace(tmpline_next,chr(13),"") ' CR
tmpline_no_cr_lf = tmpline_no_cr_lf + tmpline_next
end if
end if
end if
if instr(tmpline_no_cr_lf, lcase(strOK)) then
'we have a strOK String which means we have reached the end of a result output (maybe on newline)
call parse(tmpline_no_cr_lf)
lineout = ""
end if
' Catch the very last test (may be in the lineout buffer but not yet processed)
if instr(lineout, lcase(strOK) & " test") OR instr(lineout, lcase(strNotOK) & " test") then
'we have a strOK String which means we have reached the end of a result output (maybe on newline)
call parse(lineout)
end if
end sub
Running enterprise tests on :
Starting test: FsmoCheck
......................... passed test
The FsmoCheck appears on the line after "passed test".
The fix when a line end with "passed test", then add the next line at the end if this line.
The code fix is available at:
Here is the updated function to update:
'call dcdiag and parse the output
sub exec(strCmd)
'Declare variables
dim objShell : Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
dim objExecObject, lineout, tmpline, tmpline_no_cr_lf, end_passed_str, tmpline_next
lineout = ""
'Command line options we're using
' pt strCmd
Set objExecObject = objShell.Exec(strCmd)
'Loop until end of output from dcdiag
do While not objExecObject.StdOut.AtEndOfStream
tmpline = lcase(objExecObject.StdOut.ReadLine())
tmpline_no_cr_lf = Replace(tmpline,chr(10),"") ' Newline
tmpline_no_cr_lf = Replace(tmpline,chr(13),"") ' CR
call parselang(tmpline_no_cr_lf)
lineout = lineout + tmpline
if (instr(tmpline_no_cr_lf, ".....")) then
'testresults start with a couple of dots, so lets reset the lineout buffer
lineout= tmpline
if (len(tmpline_no_cr_lf) > 13) then
end_passed_str = Mid(tmpline_no_cr_lf, Len(tmpline_no_cr_lf) - 10, 11)
if(StrComp(end_passed_str, "passed test") = 0) then
tmpline_next = lcase(objExecObject.StdOut.ReadLine())
tmpline_next = Replace(tmpline_next,chr(10),"") ' Newline
tmpline_next = Replace(tmpline_next,chr(13),"") ' CR
tmpline_no_cr_lf = tmpline_no_cr_lf + tmpline_next
end if
end if
end if
if instr(tmpline_no_cr_lf, lcase(strOK)) then
'we have a strOK String which means we have reached the end of a result output (maybe on newline)
call parse(tmpline_no_cr_lf)
lineout = ""
end if
' Catch the very last test (may be in the lineout buffer but not yet processed)
if instr(lineout, lcase(strOK) & " test") OR instr(lineout, lcase(strNotOK) & " test") then
'we have a strOK String which means we have reached the end of a result output (maybe on newline)
call parse(lineout)
end if
end sub