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bysharkbot, March 10, 2014
Exchange 2013 Hub Transport Queues Check (inc. performance data)
Few things I had to do to make the script work:
1. Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
2. check_exchange_mailqueue=cmd /c echo scriptsNagiosMonitoring_ExchangeQueueHealth.ps1; exit($lastexitcode) | PowerShell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command -

Without the -ExecutinPolicy Bypass, I got an AuthorizationManager error.
Owner's reply

Hi, yes the script need the execution policy as written inside the script. But maybe I should put a readme inside the files which can be downloaded to explain that :-).

bysharkbot, October 10, 2013
Thank you for this plugin. I've implemented it against a BigIP 3900 with version 10.2.3 Build 123.0 Hotfix HF1.

Using 0.2 CPU, Mem, Conn/Server, and Group modules all work nicely.

However Cert returns "Cannot determine expiry date for "

Also for Server: check, I execute ./check_f5 -H mylb -C mycommunity -m 'server:/Production/virtualservername' and get "/Production/virtualservername: Not enable (noSuchInstance)" Perhaps I am not understanding something.