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2 votes
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This is a plugin to monitor Infoblox appliances. It uses SNMP to retrieve the information from the appliance's management ip address. The plugin can also be used to measure and graph DNS resolving of domains.
Please find the plugin, updated documentation and check examples here:

** Version history **
20151016 Started Script programming. Check: cpu, mem
20151020 Added check: replication, grid, info, ip, dnsstat, temp
20151021 (Back to the Future Day!) Public release
20151030 Added check dhcpstat (by Chris Lewis)
20151104 Bugfix in perfdata of dnsstat check

** Requirements **
snmpwalk command (SUSE: net-snmp package, Debian/Ubuntu: snmp package)
- Other bash relevant commands as sed, awk, grep (plugin checks for its existance)
- Enable SNMPv1/SNMPv2 on the appliance(s) in the Grid Properties

** Definition of parameters **
-H Hostname or ip address of the Infoblox system to monitor.
-V SNMP version to use. Currently only SNMPv2 is supported. Therefore use '-V 2c'.
-C SNMP community name
-t Which type of check should be executed. See list of check types below.
-a* Additional arguments in combination for certain check types.
-w* Warning threshold.
-c* Critical threshold.
-i* Ignore Unknown Status (for 'replication' and 'dnsstat' checks).
-h* Display help information.


** Definition of the check types **
cpu Check CPU utilization (thresholds possible)
mem Check Memory utilization (thresholds possible)
replication Check if replication between Infoblox appliances is working
grid Check if appliance is Active or Passive in grid (additional argument possible to detect failover)
info Display general information about this appliance
ip Display configured ip addresses of this appliance (additional argument possible to check for a certain address)
dnsstat Display DNS statistics for domain (use in combination with -a domain)
Reviews (1)
bytompaah, March 17, 2016
Works almost as intended.

1 of 2 Infoblox grids gives correct return on the dns query. The other says "DNS STATS WARNING - Could not find domain xxx.xx", unknown why since the domain exists at the grid members.

Also it would be great if all he hardware checks could be combined to one single check with multi-line output. Cpu, mem, temp, info for example.