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bywymangr, June 9, 2017
Worked great! I just modified the script a little to separate the temperatures for my CPU and Hard Drives so they report to Nagios and graph separately. All I did was create two instances of the script and change the following for each file.

"-Query "SELECT + FROM Sensor WHERE Sensortype='Temperature'"


"-Query "SELECT + FROM Sensor WHERE Name='core #1 - #8'" -- To display CPU temp


"-Query "SELECT + FROM Sensor WHERE Name='Temperature'" -- To display the temps of the Hard Drives

The "Name" might be different depending on your hardware, but if you run :

Get-WmiObject -Namespace "Root\OpenHardwareMonitor"
Class: sensor

From Powershell while OpenHardwareMonitor is running it will give you a list of all the sensors and their names that are being monitored.

I'm running :
NagiosĀ® Core Version 4.3.2
OpenHardwareMonitor 0.8.0 Beta