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Splunk license usage check

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  • Nagios 3.x
  • Nagios 4.x
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You want to keep an eye on the license usage, as 5 warnings of the daily indexing volume using the enterprise license or 3 warnings using the free license will cause a license violation.

A license violation will deactivate Splunk searches but not the indexing process. So you will not be able to query your data – but at least never loose it.

Typically the license warnings are only displayed in the web console. This check will help you to ensure proper licensing in your normal monitoring and escalation process.
You want to keep an eye on the license usage, as 5 warnings of the daily indexing volume using the enterprise license or 3 warnings using the free license will cause a license violation.

A license violation will deactivate Splunk searches but not the indexing process. So you will not be able to query your data – but at least never loose it.

Typically the license warnings are only displayed in the web console. This check will help you to ensure proper licensing in your normal monitoring and escalation process.

the servername or ip address to be checked – default localhost

port of splunkd – default 8089

protocol to use to communicate with splunkd – default: https

connectiontimeout to splunkd in milliseconds – default 5000

username to use to login to splunkd

password to use with splunkd

licensepool to check – default “auto_generated_pool_download-trial” ..
freeversion is “auto_generated_pool_free”
full license is “auto_generated_pool_enterpise

warningvalue in Megabytes

critical value in Megabytes

display all pools found on the indexer and usage. Values could be 0 (default: don’t display) or 1 (display)