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This shell script checks, using snmp, if a HP ProCurve switch has detected a loop between two or more network ports.
To use the script, copy it to the plugin directory for your installation (for example /usr/lib/nagios/plugin), then add the following command definition in commands.cfg:

define command{
command_name check_procurve_loop
command_line $USER1$/check_procurve_loop -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -C $ARG1$

Define a service which calls the above command with the snmp community name as its only argument, like so:

define service {
use generic-service
host_name MYSWITCH
service_description Loop protection
check_command check_procurve_loop!public

A successful check, one where no loop is found, returns:
OK - No loops detected (24 ports checked)

If a loop is found, for example between ports 8 and 19, the return value is:
CRITICAL - found a loop on the following ports: 8 19 (24 ports checked)

Reviews (4)
byJoksimovic, January 14, 2020
Script works no mater which modle of HP switch you have..

One issue that I have is that no mater if the switch is Procurve series or something new it can check only 10 ports even thou switches are 24 or 48 ports...
Just tried this out on a new HP Aruba with the latest firmware and it still works. Solid plugin, thanks.
bywsando, November 14, 2014
This plugin does exactly what is says and it does it nicely.
byoldirtdog, November 26, 2012
1 of 1 people found this review helpful
Very simple and elegant. This is a lifesaver if someone starts doing their own work in a comm closet without notifying IT first... this can really save some major time... Thanks!