Home Directory Addons Configuration Automated Active Directory user and group creation

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Automated Active Directory user and group creation

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Compatible With
  • Nagios 3.x
nagios_ad.tgzcombined collection of apache config and python scripts
nagios.confjust the nagios config for apache
nagios_users.pypython script to scrape users
nagios_groups.pypython script to scrape groups
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Active directory authentication via apache and synchronization scripts for AD users/groups for authorization under nagios 3.x
Included in the tgz archive are three files:

nagios.conf - created using the work of roderick tapang at his site http://telinit0.blogspot.ca/2009/09/apache-active-directory-login-for.html for the required changes to apache to allow active directory authentication

Authorization is provided by a combination of the users and groups created by the following scripts and your cgi.cfg and notification and escalation settings.

nagios_users.py - this script will scrape the Users OU of an active directory domain called ad.domain.local and pull out all users, and their e-mail address's and populate a file called /etc/nagios/objects/users.cfg in nagios's contact format.

nagios_groups.py - This script will scrape the OU Users of an active directory domain called ad.domain.local for any group starting nagios_, it will then create the groups in nagios format and include all users that exist in the AD version of the group. All groups are written to the file /etc/nagios/objects/groups.cfg. ####### NOTE ######## In it's current form it will not do groups within groups, I'll look at converting it to a recursive form later

Cron'ing these two scripts to run at regular intervals would keep nagios users and permissions in sync with active directory.