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Nagios XI Group Creation Tool

Current Version
Last Release Date
groupcreationtool.zipNagios XI Group Creation Tool
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Nagios XI Group Creation Tool
This tool lets you create a sequence of groups. Handy for implementing a naming standard you already have in place. Lets say you have 200 clients. Each client has a unique number from 1 - 200. You can create 200 groups using this wizard. Example: client_1_windows_servers client_2_windows_servers ...and so on to ... client_199_windows_servers client_200_windows_servers Using the GUI this task alone would take a least 1000 mouse clicks and lots of copying/pasting!!!
Version Notes:
Initial release
Reviews (1)
Install OK,
But couldn't proceed to step 2.
This error is returned :
"Waiting for configuration verification....
Backend login to the Core Config Manager failed."