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  • Nagios 4.x
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Statusengine is a project to process and store event data collected by Nagios. Statusengine will save all monitoring data to MySQL, CrateDB or Redis. It also has an inbuild performance data processor, which is able to save perfdata to Graphite, CrateDB, Elasticsearch and MySQL.
The Statusengine project build a ecosystem to extend your existing monitoring. At the moment, the project contains the following components:
- Broker Module:
A little C program gets loaded to the Monitoring Core. All event data will be encoded as JSON-Objects and send to a queue.
The queue will make sure, that your monitoring is still alive, even if the database is crashed or to slow.

- Worker:
Statusengine Worker fetch all events out of the queue and save them to a database (e.g. MySQL). The worker is written in PHP. In addition the worker process will also process performance data and support multiple performance data backends like Graphite, Elasticsearch, MySQL and CrateDB.

- Statusengine UI
A modern, responsive web interface built with AngularJS. Communicating via a JSON API to be easy extendable, also has simple support to render performance data.