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NagiosIssue2JSD.plA perl script to create Jira JSD ticket for every Nagios incident. The script would run as Nagios global event handler and trigger Jira JSD issue by logging into JSD and adding Jira fields project, Type, Asignee, Reporter, Summary, Description. It would manipulate following Nagios fields: Assignee, State, Type, Attempt, Hostname, Service Description
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This Perl script would create Jira Server Desk issue for each generated nagios incident. This script has to be configured as global event handler for host and services in Nagios and Nagios Xi servers. This is a quick and dirty script to generate events in Jira where NagiosXi is primary monitoring tool and JIRA JSD is the central ticker repository for everything.
Nagios to Jira JSD Issue Creator:
NagiosIssue2JSD.pl is a perl script to create Jira JSD ticket for every Nagios incident. The script would run as Nagios global event handler and trigger Jira JSD issue by logging into JSD and adding Jira fields project, Type, Asignee, Reporter, Summary, Description. It would manipulate following Nagios fields: Assignee, State, Type, Attempt, Hostname, Service Description.
Reviews (1)
# grep NagiosIssue2JSD -A1 -B1 /usr/local/nagios/etc/objects/commands.cfg
define command{
command_name NagiosIssue2JSD

# cat /usr/local/nagios/libexec/NagiosIssue2JSD.pl

use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;

use Getopt::Std;
use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_ignore_case bundling);

my $jira = JIRA::REST->new({
url => 'https://jira.localhost',
username => 'nagios',
password => '******'

#my $baseurl = $jira->GET('/rest/servicedeskapi/info');
#print Dumper($baseurl);

use vars qw( $state $type $attempt $hostname $servicedesc $serviceoutput $datetime );
'help|h' => \&print_usage,
'state|s=s' => \$state,
'type|t=s' => \$type,
'attempt|A=i' => \$attempt,
'hostname|H=s' => \$hostname,
'servicedesc|S=s' => \$servicedesc,
'serviceoutput|a=s' => \$serviceoutput,
'datetime|d=s' => \$datetime,

if(!$state or !$type or !$attempt or !$hostname or !$servicedesc) {
print "\tUSAGE:/usr/local/nagios/libexec/jira_eventhandler.pl -s -t -A -H -S \n";
exit 3; #unknown

if($type ne "HARD" or $state eq "OK") {
# not doing anything till its reaaaally a problem
exit 0; #ok

my $issue = $jira->POST('/issue', undef, {
fields => {
project => { key => 'CAT' },
issuetype => { name => 'Incident' },
summary => "[NAGIOS] Hostname:$hostname Service:$servicedesc State:$state",
description => "Hostname:$hostname\n Service:$servicedesc\n State:$state\n Info:$serviceoutput\n DateTime:$datetime\n"

exit 0;