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3 votes
Nagios CSP

Meet The New Nagios Core Services Platform

Built on over 25 years of monitoring experience, the Nagios Core Services Platform provides insightful monitoring dashboards, time-saving monitoring wizards, and unmatched ease of use. Use it for free indefinitely.

Monitoring Made Magically Better

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This addon consists of a perl script that allows you to submit external commands to Nagios easily from a script or the command line. Includes support for most all external commands supported by Nagios. It can also generate a quick text-only overview of current problems.
Reviews (3)
bylukewarms, May 10, 2015
Great script. I think this would be good as a module.
I found this tool extremely useful to use in quick scripts, it is well written (in Perl) and can be easily used in external Shell scripts to automate some processes.

The Nagios::Status is used in the script although it is not required. It would be nice if the script would detect if the module is available and disable some options if it is not instead of aborting.
byjkirkes, November 10, 2011
0 of 1 people found this review helpful
At least post using standard compression. Maybe even put some notes on your submission. Waste of time...