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Compatible With
  • Nagios 3.x
  • Nagios 4.x
smww.htmlSMWW description and installation directions
smww.cgicgi file that extracts the data from Nagios
smww.phpphp file to produce output in a Nagios normal format
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A script to display the specific network outages, host outages and service outages on the same screen, while eliminating redundat reporting such as services that are down on hosts located in networks that are down.
The default Nagios menu allows you to view network
outages, host based problems, or service based problems,
but only one of these types of problems at a time.
The Tactical Overview screen will display the numbers
of all three types of problems in a summary format,
but not the actual problems within each type.
To view the problems, you are still required to click
onnetwork outages, hosts or services to see the actual
list of problems.

SMWW solves this by creating an interface that shows
all of the three types of problem: nentwork problems,
followed by host problems of hosts not on a
network with problems, and then the services that are
having problems that are not on a host listed in the
host section, or on a host that is in a network
having problems.

The web is created using the standard nagios data
access programs, so is should be compatable with
most versions of nagios.