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Dashboard 0.2.1 - Python

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Python based Dashboard that allows user based dashboards with custom grouping of items. Works with both Nagios and Nagios under Groundwork.

Author: Franjo Stipanovic - fritz [] Updated by: Mark Holm - markh/oneobserver []

DashBoard enables you to create custom page (create & edit on-the-fly) with service and host status for monitoring. You can create groups and subgroups so you can view all necessary information in just one page. DashBoard supports configuration files for every user separately.

Nagios is great tool, but when it comes to display options (i.e. two service and one host in same page without grouping them in nagios) - it is little bit complicated. DashBoard gives you enough freedom to display all kinds of combinations on same page without restarting Nagios and changing it's configuration files.

0.2 Update (markh)

Fritz did a great job with the basic package, but it needed some streamlining in order to make it also work with the Groundwork package as well. To accomplish this I broke it into three effective modules and pulled all the default configuration parameters into a single include module to make configuration easier. See installation file for setup for Nagios and Groundwork.

0.2.1 Update (markh)
Found a couple of problems with the tar package and also fixed the include syntax on the two files that displayed the dashboards so they were properly imported within scope. Also tested and updated the installation documentation to explicitly tell you how to turn on single sign-on properly for both Nagios and the Nagios Dashboard within Groundwork.