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NagDash v.0.1

6 votes
nagdash-0.1.tar.gzSource Code
Nagios CSP

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Built on over 25 years of monitoring experience, the Nagios Core Services Platform provides insightful monitoring dashboards, time-saving monitoring wizards, and unmatched ease of use. Use it for free indefinitely.

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NagDash v.0.1
Simple dashboard interface for Nagios, written in PHP with MySQL database backend.
NagDash is a simple dashboard interface for the Nagios network monitoring system. It was written to provide end-users with the ability to review the current status of network computer systems, and all from a simple to read webpage.

+ You can decide which hosts to display on the dashboard.
+ You can give hosts a better description for customers, i.e. "SERVER01" --> "Main Web Server".
+ Displays in different colors for status, i.e. green, amber, red

Package includes: nagdash, documentation, sample nagios scripts.
(see screenshot for an example of the nagdash interface)
Reviews (3)
byjashneel, August 5, 2012
hi, i have installed nagdash but its not working as it should. By default it shows that the device status is OK although the device is offline.
bytrunyard, December 2, 2011
Good foundation to build on top of but this PHP script is missing code, add the following code to be functional:

$query_services = "SELECT * FROM services";
$result_services = mysql_query($query_services);
bytait.adam, May 18, 2011
0 of 1 people found this review helpful
It's pretty basic but usable. There is however an error in the install guide, the install guide doesn't reference the correct scripts (wrong name), however it is nice to have a detailed installation guide!

It might also be worth mentioning checking that you have enable event handlers in global config mode enabled (enable_event_handlers=1).


P.S. - Are you updating this anymore? - I have a few ideas for how you could improve it to add functionality.