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Nagios CSP

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A highly configurable, secured, low cost, external remote monitoring probe for Nagios.
The aim of this project, conducted by 5 students at IFSIC ( was to create something that doesn't seem to exist (as far as I know, to day, i.e May 2005).

Network administrators need to track down the availability of services running on various servers. Nagios monitors services very well inside its own network, but what about availability of external services as seen from outside the LAN ? Nagprobe provides a solution to this problem by allowing network administrators to manage batteries of tests on publicly accessible, external network services through the use of a light probe running on a friendly network.

Editor's Note June 26, 2009: It appears as through the files for this project cannot be located anywhere. If anyone has a copy of the Nagprobe code, please let us know!