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Here is a script for Nagios that will detect if data is missing for your system on pvoutput.org.

If there is no data, the script will return a CRITICAL status that Nagios know how to work with. if there is data available, the script returns an OK status.
This script for Nagios detects if data is missing for your system on pvoutput.org.

If there is no data, the script will return a CRITICAL status that Nagios know how to work with. if there is data available, the script returns an OK status.

You can call the script without using Nagios, in order to check if it works.
The syntax goes like this:
./check_pvoutput.sh APIKEY SYSTEMID
For instance
./check_pvoutput.sh 87654 12345
This would check the system with ID 12345. The APIKEY (87654 in the example) is a key that is needed in order to be allowed to use the pvoutput.org API.
Both the APIKEY and SYSTEMID are values you get from your pvoutput.org account.

There is a third, optional, parameter that controls which day you want to check for data. If you leave it out, the check will be for today. If you put a number in the third parameter, the number will be the number of days to subtract from today.
So for instance if you use this command
./check_pvoutput.sh 87654 12345 1
you will bee checking if pvoutput.org has data for yesterday.