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Current Version
Critical Messaging
Last Release Date
Compatible With
  • Nagios 3.x
  • Nagios 4.x
  • Nagios XI
Nagios CSP

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OnPage, a critical messaging app for smartphones seamlessly integrates with Nagios monitoring services to ensure CRITICAL alerts get to your smartphone in a way that can NOT be missed. Simply configure Nagios to send a copy of the alert to OnPage on your smartphone. OnPage messages will go to a dedicated inbox so your important messages won’t get mixed up in the clutter of your emails and SMS’s. A message sent to your OnPage will continuously alert you until acknowledged with a unique tone even if your phone is on silent to ensure that you do not miss an important update. OnPage is an ENTERPRISE GRADE solution, yet is as easy to install and use as an app.

Key Benefits:
• Hosted, SAS 70 certified and SSAE 16 compliant facility
• Works with all carriers and all major types of smartphone
• Group, and Escalation group paging
• Scheduling for off-hours coverage
• When the message absolutely, positively needs to get there (the FedEx of alerts)
• Complete time-stamped audit trail for all messages
• Absolute Alert. It will not stop until you react to the message.
• Integrates with any software that can send a text message and no ongoing cost
• Shortens response time by 40% and drives missed alerts to 0.
Reviews (1), August 10, 2012
When we first deployed nagios, we tried SMS and email. Although this worked, we could never really be sure if an SMS is from nagios or not.

We realized that instead of trying to get something to do what it wasn't designed to do was not a great solution. We were going to go back to using a Motorola pager until we found that onpage provided an enterprise paging solution on our smartphones.

We have been using it for over a year. We have had zero issues with the service and the only time we had to contact tech support was to update the credit card on file. There is a small monthly subscription fee for the service. The small fee more than pays for itself.