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Kaspersky Administration Kit

4 votes
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Compatible With
  • Nagios 3.x
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check_kav_adminkit.pl is a perl plugin for the Kaspersky Administration Kit. It allows's you to check viruses, last update and the license expiration time with one check for all allowed hosts. It works on local or via NRPE and with the NSCLIENT++ and ActivePerl installed on the windows server.
check_kav_adminkit.pl is a perl plugin for the Kaspersky Administration Kit. It allows's you to check viruses, last update and the license expiration time with one check for all allowed hosts. It works on local or via NRPE and with the NSCLIENT++ and ActivePerl installed on the windows server.

Special thanks goes to damondef, who made a huge job with his plugin (http://exchange.nagios.org/directory/Plugins/Anti-2DVirus/Kaspersky/check_KAV-2Epl/details).


On the Kasperksy Server:
- Install the last NSCLIENT++ version
- Install ActivePerl: http://www.activestate.com/activeperl
- Create the folder: C:Progra~1NSClient++plugins
- Copy the Perl-file into it and edit the configuration (server configuration, configuration, excpetions, ...)
- Update your C:Progra~1NSClient++NSC.ini (make sure that the perl path is correct):

[NRPE Handlers]
command[check_kav_adminkit]=C:Perl64binperl.exe "C:Progra~1NSClient++pluginscheck_kav_adminkit.pl" %1 %2 %3 %4


Test on your Kaspersky Server:
- Open a console and type: C:Perl64binperl.exe "C:Progra~1NSClient++pluginscheck_kav_adminkit.pl" %1 %2 %3 %4
- If it doesn't work and you use SQL server 2005 configure the "SQL Server Surface Area Configuration" to allow the access to the database


On the Nagios Server:
- Create the command

define command {
command_name check_kav_adminkit
command_line /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_nrpe -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -c check_kav_adminkit -p 5666 -t 30 -a $ARG1$ $ARG2$ $ARG3$ $ARG4$

- Create the service

define service {
use generic-service
host_name ws1
service_description Kaspersky Administation Kit
check_command check_kav_adminkit


Special notes:

- If you reset the virus count in the Administration Kit, the host will be shown as ok.
- The plugin checks just the managed computers.
- You can activate and deactivate every check (last update, virus count, license expiration time) seperated.
- You can deactivate special checks for special hosts (ex. no virus check for the host "server1")


I hope the plugin helps you! If you have a question just leave a comment.
Be free to modify it!

New in version 1.1:
- Groups: you can now select one or more groups that are checked and not just the group with the index 0.
- License: the licence shows up as expired and not with a value less than zero.
- Passive checks: you can configure if you are sending the result as passive check. If you send it as passive check, the messages are written in one line.
- Message overview: The first line of the message is now a summary of how many messages are found.
Reviews (3)
bysmarechal, July 12, 2017
It works very well with last admin kit! Thanks a lot for your work!
bysincrack, February 28, 2013
Kaspersky Administation Kit
UNKNOWN 02-28-2013 17:55:51 0d 5h 38m 32s 3/3 (No output returned from plugin)

This is my error...

One example for config?
bySimonx182, August 30, 2011
Thank you very much Alex. This plugin saved me a lot of time ;)