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Networker saveset checker

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Compatible With
  • Nagios 3.x
nwcheck.pycheck script
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Python script that uses the mminfo binary on the nagios server to check the status of the last
day savesets on the networker server. If the saveset is older than 1 day the status ist critical.
If no savesets for the client are reported, the check will be fine.
Python script that uses the mminfo binary on the nagios server to check the status of the last
day savesets on the networker server. If the saveset is older than 1 day the status ist critical.
If no savesets for the client are reported, the check will be fine.

The networker client has to be installed and configured.
Try at first "mminfo" for tests. http://www.ipnom.com/Legato-NetWorker-Commands/mminfo.html
In order to run the python script, install the pynagios libararies http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pynagios.

I.e. on Ubuntu:
1. apt-get install pip
2. pip install --proxy proxy:port --upgrade pip
3. pip install --proxy proxy:port --upgrade virtualenv
4. pip install --proxy proxy:port pynagios

./nwcheck.py -H hostname.domain.name --server backupserver --timeout 10
./nwcheck.py -H hostname --server backupserver --timeout 10

-H = Hostname in fqn or normal form (no ip address)
--server = Name or IP of the networker server
--timeout = timeout value for killing the mminfo process