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ViceVersa logfile check

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Checks the state of a ViceVersa job by scanning the logfile.
Usage: check_viceversa.pl [--user ] [--password ] [--maxAge ]

Is the path of a viceversa logfile, which might be local or provided as a smb: URI
( e.g. smb://server/path/to/viceversa/logfile )
--date Check for a completed run on (defaults to yesterday)
--user The username, if fetching logfile via smb
--password The password, if fetching logfile via smb
--excludes Specify the number of expected excludes

CRITICAL if no copy job was finished on the given date,
- if there were files/dirs which could not be copied
- if the expected number of excluded directories/files does not match.
OK otherwise.

WARNING: If Vice Versa is unable to read a file/dir it is automatically excluded and not counted as errornous. So you should specify the number of expected excludes to be sure.