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Nagios local check for burp's timestamps backup age.
Always check github for last version.
Burp backup project: (http://burp.grke.org/)
./check_burp_backup_age.py -h
usage: check_burp_backup_age [-h] [-v] -H [HOSTNAME] [-d [DIRECTORY]]
[-w [WARNING]] [-c [CRITICAL]]

Local check, Check freshness of last backup for a given host name. Running on
the backup server this program will check the timestamp file of the last
backup for a given host and get the age of this last successful run. This age
is then compared to thresolds to generate alerts.

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version show program version
-H [HOSTNAME], --hostname [HOSTNAME]
hostname (directory name for burp) [default: None]
-d [DIRECTORY], --directory [DIRECTORY]
base directory path for backups (where are the
backups?) [default: /backups]
-w [WARNING], --warning [WARNING]
Warning thresold, time in minutes before going to
warning [default: 1560]
-c [CRITICAL], --critical [CRITICAL]
Critical thresold, time in minutes before going to
critical [default: 1800]

Note that this is a local check, running on the backup server. So the hostname argument is not used to perform any distant connection.

*This is a local check, so use it with NRPE or check_by_ssh or such tools.
* warning and critical thresolds are expressed in minutes, the default values are:
- warning: 26 hours so 1560 minutes
- critical: 30 hours so 1800 minutes


~# ./check_burp_backup_age.py -d /data/burp -H foo.example.com
BURP OK - Last backup is fresh enough: 0 day(s) 21 hour(s) 23 minute(s) (1283<1560)

~# ./check_burp_backup_age.py -d /data/burp -H foo.example.com -w 1200 -c 1500
BURP WARNING - Last backup starts to get old: 0 day(s) 21 hour(s) 23 minute(s) (1283>=1200)

~# ./check_burp_backup_age.py -d /data/burp -H foo.example.com -w 800 -c 1200
BURP CRITICAL - Last backup is too old: 0 day(s) 21 hour(s) 23 minute(s) (1283>=1200)

~# ./check_burp_backup_age.py -d /data/burp -H bar.example.com
BURP CRITICAL - Host backup directory /data/burp/bar.example.com does not exists

:~# ./check_burp_backup_age.py -d /backups -H bar.example.com
BURP CRITICAL - Base backup directory /backups does not exists