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Check Zope Threads and Load

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check_threads_load.pyThe check plugin
demo.cfgThe demo config
dumper.pyThe substitution for the file dumper.py of the DeadlockDebugger
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Checks the state of a Zope frontend based on the Product DeadlockDebugger to allow monitoring the number of used threads.
++ Description
Checks the state of a Zope frontend based on the Product "DeadlockDebugger" to allow monitoring the number of used threads.

In larger Zope installations frontends can lock if the number of available threads is exhausted. If this is the case the frontend is still running but no requests get answered. This usually leads to a lockup of the site if no other measures prevent this.

The plugin can also be used to quickly retrieve the load of the frontend to determine if the frontend is really locked (load 0 and threads full) or only busy (load high and threads full).

++ Add on product

This plugin requires that DeadlockDebugger (http://plone.org/products/deadlockdebugger) is installed and configured and the file dumper.py is replaced by the one included in this package. The modified dumper.py simply adds the load information to the output.

++ Usage

check_threads_load.py options mode

--help -- print this help text
-u/--url -- the URL of the host you want to check
-w/--warn -- tuple of 1m, 5m, 15m load threshold for the warning state. Ex: -w
-c/--crit -- tuple of 1m, 5m, 15m load threshold for the critical state

--threads return status about the Zope threads (default)
--load return status of hosts load

++ Limitaion
This check works only if the Zope server is tunning under Linux, because it reads /proc/loadavg and /proc/meninfo.