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Nagios-CloudStack === Nagios check scripts to monitor your cloudstack
sample output service state information on nagios :
Current Status: WARNING (for 0d 0h 15m 58s)
Status Information: WARNING !!
WARNING: Virtual Network Public IP used = 65%
OK: Memory used = 39.89%
OK: Storage Allocated used = 8.83%
OK: Secondary Storage used = 24.95%
OK: Storage used = 24.95%
OK: Direct Attached Public IP used = 0%
OK: VLAN used = 30%
OK: Private IP used = 10%
OK: CPU used = 17.62%
#cpan Config::General App::Cmd Mouse XML::LibXML URI::Encode WWW::Mechanize Digest::SHA File::Basename MIME::Base64 Encode Log::Log4perl
#cp -vr [source_dir] /opt/nagios-cloudstack
#chown -R nagios.nagios /opt/nagios-cloudstack
#modify 'use lib' on to /opt/nagios-cloudstack/lib
#ln -s /opt/nagios-cloudstack/etc/nagios-cloudstack.conf /etc/
#ln -s /opt/nagios-cloudstack/ /usr/local/nagios/libexec/
#set your setting (apikey,url,secretkey) on /etc/nagios-cloudstack.conf
script usage:
/usr/local/nagios/libexec/ capacity -z [zone id] -w [warning percentage] -c [critical percentage]
sample setting on nagios service definition on server using nrpe:
define service{
use generic-service
hostgroup_name cloudstack
service_description public zone capacity
check_command check_nrpe!check_cloudstack_capacity
nrpe.cfg on client :
command[check_cloudstack_capacity]=/usr/local/nagios/libexec/ capacity -z 69c2e118-cf8b-4594-9d23-02b144f4b2fa -w 60 -c 80
sample output service state information on nagios :
Current Status: WARNING (for 0d 0h 15m 58s)
Status Information: WARNING !!
WARNING: Virtual Network Public IP used = 65%
OK: Memory used = 39.89%
OK: Storage Allocated used = 8.83%
OK: Secondary Storage used = 24.95%
OK: Storage used = 24.95%
OK: Direct Attached Public IP used = 0%
OK: VLAN used = 30%
OK: Private IP used = 10%
OK: CPU used = 17.62%
#cpan Config::General App::Cmd Mouse XML::LibXML URI::Encode WWW::Mechanize Digest::SHA File::Basename MIME::Base64 Encode Log::Log4perl
#cp -vr [source_dir] /opt/nagios-cloudstack
#chown -R nagios.nagios /opt/nagios-cloudstack
#modify 'use lib' on to /opt/nagios-cloudstack/lib
#ln -s /opt/nagios-cloudstack/etc/nagios-cloudstack.conf /etc/
#ln -s /opt/nagios-cloudstack/ /usr/local/nagios/libexec/
#set your setting (apikey,url,secretkey) on /etc/nagios-cloudstack.conf
script usage:
/usr/local/nagios/libexec/ capacity -z [zone id] -w [warning percentage] -c [critical percentage]
sample setting on nagios service definition on server using nrpe:
define service{
use generic-service
hostgroup_name cloudstack
service_description public zone capacity
check_command check_nrpe!check_cloudstack_capacity
nrpe.cfg on client :
command[check_cloudstack_capacity]=/usr/local/nagios/libexec/ capacity -z 69c2e118-cf8b-4594-9d23-02b144f4b2fa -w 60 -c 80
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