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check_hadoop_cloudera_manager_metrics.pl (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collection) Popular

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Check given Hadoop metric(s) via Cloudera Manager Rest API
Part of the Advanced Nagios Plugins Collection, download it here:


./check_hadoop_cloudera_manager_metrics.pl --help

Nagios Plugin to check given Hadoop metric(s) via Cloudera Manager Rest API

See the Charts section in CM or --all-metrics for a given --cluster --service [--roleId] or --hostId to see what's available

You may need to upgrade to Cloudera Manager 4.6 for the Standard Edition (free) to allow the API to be used, but it should work on all version of Cloudera Manager Enterprise Edition

This is still using v1 of the API for compatability purposes

usage: check_hadoop_cloudera_manager_metrics.pl [ options ]

-H --host Cloudera Manager host ($CM_HOST, $HOST)
-P --port Cloudera Manager port ($CM_PORT, $PORT, default: 7180)
-u --user Cloudera Manager user ($CM_USERNAME, $CM_USER, $USERNAME, $USER)
-p --password Cloudera Manager password ($CM_PASSWORD, $PASSWORD)
-T --tls Use TLS connection to Cloudera Manager (automatically updates port to 7183 if still set to 7180 to save one 302 redirect round trip)
--ssl-CA-path Path to CA certificate directory for validating SSL certificate (automatically enables --tls)
--tls-noverify Do not verify SSL certificate from Cloudera Manager (automatically enables --tls)
-m --metrics Metric(s) to fetch, comma separated (eg. dfs_capacity,dfs_capacity_used,dfs_capacity_used_non_hdfs). Thresholds may optionally be applied if a single metric is given
-a --all-metrics Fetch all metrics for the given service/host/role specified by the options below. Caution, this could be a *lot* of metrics, best used to find available metrics for a given section
-C --cluster Cluster Name as shown in Cloudera Manager (eg. "Cluster - CDH4")
-S --service Service Name as shown in Cloudera Manager (eg. hdfs1, mapreduce4). Requires --cluster
-I --hostId FQDN or HostId of node, see --list-hosts
-A --activityId ActivityId to collect metric for. Requires --cluster and --service
-N --nameservice Nameservice (as specified in your HA configuration under dfs.nameservices). Requires --cluster and --service, see --list-nameservices
-R --roleId RoleId (eg. hdfs4-NAMENODE-73d774cdeca832ac6a648fa305019cef). Requires --cluster and --service, or --CM-mgmt, see --list-roles for what to pass this option
-M --CM-mgmt Cloudera Manager Management services
--list-activities List activities for a given cluster service. Requires --cluster and --service
--list-clusters List clusters for a given cluster service. Requires --cluster and --service
--list-hosts List host id of nodes managed my Cloudera Manager
--list-nameservices List nameservices for a given cluster service. Requires --cluster and --service. Service should be an HDFS service id
--list-roles List roles for a given cluster service. Requires --cluster and --service
--list-services List services for a given cluster. Convenience switch to find the serviceId to query, prints service ids and exits immediately. Requires --cluster
-w --warning Warning threshold or ran:ge (inclusive)
-c --critical Critical threshold or ran:ge (inclusive)
-t --timeout Timeout in secs (default: 10)
-v --verbose Verbose mode (-v, -vv, -vvv ...)
-h --help Print description and usage options
-V --version Print version and exit