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check_hadoop_jobtracker.pl (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collection)

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Various checks against a Hadoop MapReduce cluster by querying the JobTracker
Part of the Advanced Nagios Plugins Collection, download it here:


./check_hadoop_jobtracker.pl --help

Nagios Plugin to run various checks against a Hadoop MapReduce cluster by querying the JobTracker

This is a consolidation/rewrite of two of my previous plugins for MapReduce cluster checks

Runs in 1 of 3 modes:

1. available MapReduce nodes and detect any Blacklisted nodes
- any Blacklisted nodes raises Critical
- checks optional thresholds for the minimum number of available MapReduce nodes available (default 0 == disabled)
2. detect which MapReduce nodes aren't active in the JobTracker if given a node list
- checks optional thresholds for the maximum number of missing nodes from the specified list (default 0 == CRITICAL on any missing, you may want to set these thresholds higher)
3. checks the JobTracker Heap % Used

Originally written on old vanilla Apache Hadoop 0.20.x, backwards untested rewrite for CDH 4.3 (2.0.0-mr1-cdh4.3.0)

Seriously recommend you consider using check_hadoop_cloudera_manager_metrics.pl instead if possible (disclaimer I work for Cloudera but seriously it's better it uses the CM API instead of scraping output which can break betweens versions and requires more maintenance)

usage: check_hadoop_jobtracker.pl [ options ]

-H --host JobTracker to connect to
-P --port JobTracker port to connect to (defaults to 50030)
-n --nodes Optional list of nodes to check are alive in the JobTracker (non-switch args are appended to this list for convenience)
--heap-usage Check JobTracker Heap % Used. Optional % thresholds may be supplied for warning and/or critical. Recommend you use JMX instead, there is a known issue where this is committed rather than used heap so it appears nearly at max after some run time
-w --warning Warning threshold or ran:ge (inclusive) for min number of available nodes or max missing/inactive nodes if node list is given (defaults to 0)
-c --critical Critical threshold or ran:ge (inclusive) for min number of available nodes or max missing/inactive nodes if node list is given (defaults to 0)
-h --help Print description and usage options
-t --timeout Timeout in secs (default: 10)
-v --verbose Verbose mode
-V --version Print version and exit