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Innovative set of plugins to monitor DB2 databases written in Java to be executed from JNRPE.
With less overhead on your database, it provides a more accurate information about what is currently happening in your databases.
This project provides a different approach to monitor DB2 databases from Nagios. It does not use the technique to connect, query and process the data for each service. Instead, it exploits the Java capabilities, and relies on the JNRPE framework.

These plugins have the following features:

* This set of plugins has a low impact in the databases because there is less connection overhead thanks to the connection pool used.
* Also, it reduces the queries to the database, by caching the queries in the memory, and resolving different queries with the cached values (For example, one read to the databases about the bufferpools, and it will resolve all queries about the different bufferpool hit ratio.)
* With cached values, it is possible to compare the evolution of the database, by having a previous measure.
* the credentials used to retrieve the values are the username and its password from a user with monitor privileges. It does not need root, or other higher privileges.

The project can be used to monitor other RDBMS, because the connection pool is generic. This fact allows to users to develop their own set of plugins not only for DB2, for other database systems. With the JNRPE features, it reduces the time to check values, and write performance data; it is just necessary to get the values from the database and then just deal with them to send the correct results to JNRPE.

The documentation is in the wiki of the project, and the code is hosted at GitHub. For support or report bugs, please create an issue in the corresponding section of GitHub.