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Monitor Netezza database

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  • Nagios 4.x
check_nz_longqry.plCheck for Queries that run longer than 300 seconds
Nagios world Netezza monitor v3.pptx3rd edition of presentation
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Do you have Netezza database in your infrastructure. Would you like to be able to monitor it under Nagios ? I have away to do it. It is extensible and requires no ODBC, no username, and no password. There is a perl module that Netezza includes on the database server called SQL.pm is in delivered in /nz/kit/share/perl. I am including a sample of how to use it to monitor.
Netezza databases have become a industry standard for big data and VLDB. Many companies have purchased Netezza machines and migrated large projects from VSAM, DB2, or Sql Server. So now that is part of your company's server inventory what is the best way to keep tabs on it ? Is it constantly overloaded with one users queries ? Are you constantly running out of space ? What if you had away to keep up with all of those issues ? There are some other things that you must do in order for this to work.

NRPE must be installed and functioning on the Netezza database server. Once this is configured you must either use sudo or run NRPE as the nz user and group. Unfortunately this is a requirement of the SQL.pm perl module included by Netezza.

nrpe.cfg must have a entry added to run the perl script


Once these are satisfied the Netezza server must be added to your Nagios servers and finally an service to exercise the command

define service{
use generic-service
host_name proddb
service_description NZSQL Long query
check_command check_nrpe!check_nz_longqry!
notifications_enabled 0