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check_mysql_slave 2010

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Monitor MySQL Slave and replication status.

check mysql replication lag from master
check mysql slave io running
check mysql slave sql running
This script basically combines three key checks for MySQL Slaves: 1. Binlog master vs. exec posistion to determine lag. 2. Slave IO. 3. Slave SQL.

If you don't monitor all three, you may not see lag if there is little activity. Because of how I've structured (written) this rewritten version of check_mysql_repl, you can easily add checks based on output of check slave statusG. For example, it would be easy to add check for "seconds behind master".

Why did I do this all in one script? To reduce number of mysql connections.. I wanted 1 connect to get all the slave status info.

Note, you need command section like:
define command {
command_name check_mysql_slave
command_line $USER1$/check_mysql_slave.pl --master $ARG1$
--slave $ARG2$ --dbuser=$USER3$ --dbpass=$USER4$
--port=$ARG3$ --warn=$ARG4$ --crit=$ARG5$

And then you need to put username and password in resources.cfg file, makeing sure to use unique USERn variables... and make sure the n(s) you choose reflect the command section above.

Joe DeCello