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Check Remote Oracle through Ssh (No need to install Oracle client)
Current Version
Last Release Date
Compatible With
- Nagios 3.x
File | Description |
check_remote_oracle | Plugin file (shell script) |
check_remote_oracle | Version 0.2 |
check_remote_oracle | Version 0.3 |
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(New version 0.2 with active sessions count, ASM diskgroups and hard/soft parsing percentage ratios check)
This is the original official check_oracle nagios plugin, developed by (whoever he is) modified to work through ssh to check the remote oracle server, and allows to check the listener, the pmon process status, the caches hits ratio and the not temporary tablespaces size (hoping to add this temp tablespaces too in the future).
The script requires the ssh server running on the oracle server and the nagios user public ssh key to be copied to the oracle machine you want to monitor so the plugin can access with no password to it.
As the original, it's programmed on shell script, so it's clearer to debug and understand.
More checks will be added in the future, as this is just the first release.
I hope you find it useful.
Regards and enjoy!
This is the original official check_oracle nagios plugin, developed by (whoever he is) modified to work through ssh to check the remote oracle server, and allows to check the listener, the pmon process status, the caches hits ratio and the not temporary tablespaces size (hoping to add this temp tablespaces too in the future).
The script requires the ssh server running on the oracle server and the nagios user public ssh key to be copied to the oracle machine you want to monitor so the plugin can access with no password to it.
As the original, it's programmed on shell script, so it's clearer to debug and understand.
More checks will be added in the future, as this is just the first release.
I hope you find it useful.
Regards and enjoy!
my_nagios_server:/usr/local/nagios/libexec# su - nagios -c "/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_remote_oracle -H --tns ORCL"
OK - reply time 0 msec from ORCL
my_nagios_server:/usr/local/nagios/libexec# su - nagios -c "/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_remote_oracle -H --db ORCL"
ORCL OK - 1 PMON process(es) running
my_nagios_server:/usr/local/nagios/libexec# su - nagios -c "/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_remote_oracle -H --cache ORCL 90 95"
ORCL OK - Cache Hit Rates: 99.86% Lib -- 99.49% Buff|lib=99.86%;95;90;0;100 buffer=99.49%;95;90;0;100
my_nagios_server:/usr/local/nagios/libexec# su - nagios -c "/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_remote_oracle -H --tablespace ORCL SYSTEM 95 90"
ORCL : SYSTEM CRITICAL - 97.60% used [ 22 / 900 MB available ]|SYSTEM=97.60%;90;95;0;100
The script requires the ssh server running on the oracle server and the nagios user public ssh key to be copied to the oracle machine you want to monitor so the plugin can access with no password to it.
As the original, it's programmed on shell script, so it's clearer to debug and understand.
More checks will be added in the future, as this is just the first release.
I hope you find it useful.
Regards and enjoy!
my_nagios_server:/usr/local/nagios/libexec# su - nagios -c "/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_remote_oracle -H --tns ORCL"
OK - reply time 0 msec from ORCL
my_nagios_server:/usr/local/nagios/libexec# su - nagios -c "/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_remote_oracle -H --db ORCL"
ORCL OK - 1 PMON process(es) running
my_nagios_server:/usr/local/nagios/libexec# su - nagios -c "/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_remote_oracle -H --cache ORCL 90 95"
ORCL OK - Cache Hit Rates: 99.86% Lib -- 99.49% Buff|lib=99.86%;95;90;0;100 buffer=99.49%;95;90;0;100
my_nagios_server:/usr/local/nagios/libexec# su - nagios -c "/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_remote_oracle -H --tablespace ORCL SYSTEM 95 90"
ORCL : SYSTEM CRITICAL - 97.60% used [ 22 / 900 MB available ]|SYSTEM=97.60%;90;95;0;100