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check_db_record.txtcheck_db_record 1.1 nagios plugin
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nagios plugin to check if a database record has been created today based on specific criteria (ksh script)
nagios plugin to check if a database record has been created today based on specific criteria
author: Sergei Haramundanis 18-May-2006

usage: check_db_record access_file min_time max_time db_table time_column return_column "criteria_1" "criteria_2" "criteria_3" "criteria_4"


This plugin will check if a database record has been created today within a timeframe (inclusive) specified by min_time and max_time
(in HHMM format) by comparing the current time with the returned value of the time_column specified, and matching the criteria specified
(used to build the where clause)

This plugin requires oracle sqlplus (see definition of ORACLE_HOME, PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH further on in this script, you may need to
change them)

criteria_1 is required
criteria_2, criteria_3 and criteria_4 are optional

contents of access_file must contain database connection information in the following format:

USERNAME username
PASSWORD password
CONNECTION_STRING connection_string

this is used by sqlplus to login to the database and execute the appropriate sql query based on criteria specified


During any run of the plugin, it will check db_table for the existence of a record matching the specified criteria

if none exist and max_time is exceeded it will return a CRITICAL state with the message:

[CRITICAL] 0 records created today in db_table with criteria_1 criteria_2 criteria_3 criteria_4 (not created by max_time of max_time)

if one exists and time_column is less than min_time it will return a CRITICAL state with the message:

[CRITICAL] detected record with return_column="value" created today in db_table with criteria_1 criteria_2 criteria_3 criteria_4 (created prior to min_time of min_time)

if more than one exist it will return a CRITICAL state with the message:

[CRITICAL] detected n records created today in db_table with criteria_1 criteria_2 criteria_3 criteria_4 (too many records)

if one exists and time_column is between min_time and max_time it will return an OK state with the message:

[OK] detected 1 record created today in db_table with criteria_1 criteria_2 criteria_3 criteria_4 between min_time and max_time return_column="value" (passed criteria)

if one exists and time_column is greater than max_time it will return a CRITICAL state with the message:

[CRITICAL] detected 1 record created today in db_table with criteria_1 criteria_2 criteria_3 criteria_4 return_column="value" (created outside of timeframe min_time min_time and max_time max_time)

if none exist and max_time is not exceeded it will return an OK state with the message:

[OK] 0 records created today in db_table with criteria_1 criteria_2 criteria_3 criteria_4 (max_time of max_time not exceeded)

10-Nov-2006 version 1.1 update includes:
1. ORACLE_HOME definition for oracle 10.2.0
2. TNS_ADMIN oracle environment variable for directory of tnsnames.ora
3. returning elapsedTimeSecs performance data
Reviews (1)
bymail2sanand, February 7, 2011
1 of 2 people found this review helpful
There is nothing in the check_db_record.txt file to have a look at. Please do respond with the correct description of the check_db_record.txt.