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This plugin checks various states of the MaxDB database.

This plugin executes the following checks for MaxDB Databases

percentage free in Log Area
percentage free in Data Area
database status
failed backups

You need the database manager command line interface for the MaxDB database system. Set the variable $dbmcli to the path of your dbmcli program.

Usage: ./ -t -H -d -u -w -c

-h, --help

print this help message

-t --type=[L|D|B|S]

type of check:
L check the fill size of the Log Area
D check the fill size of the Data Area
B check the backup history for failed backups in the last x hours
S check Database status (online, admin, cold)

-H, --hostname=HOST

name or IP address of database host to check

-d, --database=DBNAME

database name

-u, --user=USER,PASSWORD

user and password for database access

-w, --warn=INTEGER

warning level for Log/Data Area used in percent (0 for no checks) or warning level for number of failed backups

-c, --crit=INTEGER

critical level for Log/Data Area used in percent (0 for no checks) or critical level for number of failed backups

-b, --backup-hours=INTEGER

check backup history for the last x hours (only needed by check type B)

-f, --perfparse

Perfparse compatible output

-V, --version

prints version number