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check_bdd_request.plnagios plugin
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Check if the result of a MySQL request is ==, , than a number which is warning and/or critical when check_type=NUMERIC.
This plugin could return a result of a SQL request for information only with check_type=TEXT.
It works with MySQL only for now, but it's very simple to use another database.
This plugin requires that perl, perl-DBD-MySQL, perl-DBI package are installed on the system.
If you have specifics needs, this plugin browse the result of your query and you can make the treatment you want ! You just have to known base in PERL.
You really can do what you want, you just add a new function !
Usage: ./check_bdd_request.pl -H -u -p -d -P -q request -t check_type -o [-w -c -T ] -V
-h, --help
print this help message
-H, --hostname=HOST
name or IP address of MySQL server
-u, --user=USER
mysql user to login
-p, --password=PASSWORD
mysql password
-d, --database=DATABASE
mysql database name
-P, --port=PORT
Http port
-q, --request="REQUEST"
Request to execute on the server
-t, --check_type=TYPE
Type of return :
-o, --operator=OPERATOR
Operator :
EQ for =,
LT for <,
GT for >,
LE for <=,
GE for >=,
DIF for !=
-w, --warn=INTEGER
number that will cause a warning completed by the OPERATOR
-1 for no warning
-c, --critical=INTEGER
number that will cause an error completed by the OPERATOR
-T, --timeout=INTEGER
timeout in seconds (Default: 15)
-V, --version
prints version number
Note :
The script will return
* With warn and critical options:
OK if we are able to connect to the MySQL server and #request count result respect ,
WARNING if we are able to connect to the MySQL server and #request count result unrespect ,
CRITICAL if we are able to connect to the MySQL server and #request count result unrespect ,
UNKNOWN if we aren't able to connect to the MySQL server

Commands.cfg :
# 'check_bdd_request_numeric' command definition
define command{
command_name check_bdd_request_numeric
command_line $USER1$/check_bdd_request.pl -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -u $ARG1$ -p $ARG2$ -d $ARG3$ -P $ARG4$ -q $ARG5$ -t $ARG6$ -o $ARG7$ -w $ARG8$ -c $ARG9$

# 'check_bdd_request_text' command definition
define command{
command_name check_bdd_request_text
command_line $USER1$/check_bdd_request.pl -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -u $ARG1$ -p $ARG2$ -d $ARG3$ -P $ARG4$ -q $ARG5$ -t $ARG6$

Services.cfg :

define service{
use generic-service
host_name my_bdd_server
service_description A text value for display information like a version for example
check_command check_bdd_request_text!user!password!database!port!"Select column_name from my table where row_text='value'"!TEXT
normal_check_interval 60

define service{
use generic-service
host_name my_bdd_server
service_description A numeric value for display information and compare with operator to the Warning or Critical values
check_command check_bdd_request_text!user!password!database!port!"Select column_name from my table where row_text='value'"!NUMERIC!LT!2!5
normal_check_interval 60

For more informations : http://www.slobberbone.net/dotclear/index.php?pages/check_bdd_request