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./ --help
Nagios Plugin to check MySQL arbitrary queries against regex matches or numerical ranges, with perfdata support
usage: [ options ]
-H --host MySQL Host
-P --port MySQL Port
-u --user MySQL user
-p --password MySQL password
-d --database MySQL database
-q --query MySQL query to execute
-f --field Field number/name to check the results of (defaults to '1')
-e --epoch Subtract result from current time in epoch format from result (useful for timestamp based comparisons)
-m --message Message to output after result. Can take a printf string with a single substitution (defaults to 'query returned')
-n --message-prepend Display message before rather than after result (prepend)
-o --output Exact output to expect
-r --regex Regex to match the result against
-w --warning Warning threshold or ran:ge (inclusive)
-c --critical Critical threshold or ran:ge (inclusive)
-g --graph Perfdata output for graphing
-l --label Perfdata label. If not specified uses field name or Undefined if field name doesn't match a known regex of chars
-U --units Units of measurement for graphing output (%/s/ms/us/B/KB/MB/TB/c)
-s --short Shorten output, do not output message just result
--no-querytime Do not output the mysql query time
-h --help Print description and usage options
-t --timeout Timeout in secs (default: 10)
-v --verbose Verbose mode
-V --version Print version and exit
./ --help
Nagios Plugin to check MySQL arbitrary queries against regex matches or numerical ranges, with perfdata support
usage: [ options ]
-H --host MySQL Host
-P --port MySQL Port
-u --user MySQL user
-p --password MySQL password
-d --database MySQL database
-q --query MySQL query to execute
-f --field Field number/name to check the results of (defaults to '1')
-e --epoch Subtract result from current time in epoch format from result (useful for timestamp based comparisons)
-m --message Message to output after result. Can take a printf string with a single substitution (defaults to 'query returned')
-n --message-prepend Display message before rather than after result (prepend)
-o --output Exact output to expect
-r --regex Regex to match the result against
-w --warning Warning threshold or ran:ge (inclusive)
-c --critical Critical threshold or ran:ge (inclusive)
-g --graph Perfdata output for graphing
-l --label Perfdata label. If not specified uses field name or Undefined if field name doesn't match a known regex of chars
-U --units Units of measurement for graphing output (%/s/ms/us/B/KB/MB/TB/c)
-s --short Shorten output, do not output message just result
--no-querytime Do not output the mysql query time
-h --help Print description and usage options
-t --timeout Timeout in secs (default: 10)
-v --verbose Verbose mode
-V --version Print version and exit
Reviews (1)
byfeedback, November 18, 2014
Support for the --extra-opts argument, such as the following would mean that credentials could be easily hidden from the nrpe processes.